Some days are a non-stop cycle of messing up and cleaning my kitchen. Here’s my problem: I find a clean kitchen incredibly inspiring. If I don’t have other pressing obligations, then a gle [...]
Lather was serious business in my house growing up. My dad, a chemist and inventor, specialized in Class A firefighting foams, as well as a special effects “Snofoam” for movie sets, a subs [...]
The practicality! The innovation! The thrift! The waste reduction! I love it all. For years, I’ve come across many brilliant repurposes of Dr. Bronner’s packaging. Frankly, I’m floored at [...]
You know you want to. You’ve been meaning to for ages. Everybody’s doing it. It’s so easy!
Today is the day you will finally swap out your conventional cleaning products and put together y [...]
“Tell me something I don’t know about gratitude,” I asked Michael as I was mulling this article.
“The word comes from the same root as grace and gracious.”
I didn’t know this. Tha [...]
I opened my front door to a wall of sound. I had stepped out to my car for a moment and returned inside to people laughing, shouting, eating, and talking some jovial smack. Friends were pi [...]