Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap and vinegar can clean an entire house. They are effective, versatile, biodegradable and non-toxic. But the sole point of this post is to emphasize that these two should not be mixed directly. This is true for the Castile Soap and any acid – any vinegar or lemon juice.
Since there have been several recommendations in online recipes and on TV to mix these two together, I want to address this topic. It’s not a dangerous combination, but it’s definitely moving in the wrong direction as far as getting things clean.
Here’s why.
In great part it’s due to the fact that vinegar is an acid and the Castile Soap is a base. They will directly react with each other and cancel each other out. So, instead of getting the best of both (the scum cutting ability of the vinegar and the dirt transporting ability of the soap), you’ll be getting the worst of something entirely new. The vinegar “unsaponifies” the soap, by which I mean that the vinegar takes the soap and reduces it back out to its original oils. So you end up with an oily, curdled, whitish mess. And this would be all over whatever it was you were trying to clean – your laundry or counters or dishes or whatever.
Check out this zoomed in picture of Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Castile Soap mixed directly with distilled white vinegar:
It doesn’t matter what else is in the solution, or in what order you combine them. If you end up with the soap and the vinegar in the same container, this reaction will occur. The only exception to this is if you buffer the soap with baking soda, which is another alkali. You’ll see this in my recipe for GIY Soft Scrub. In this case, vinegar reacts more readily with baking soda, and that reaction will take place first. For the Soft Scrub, it serves the purpose of creating that lovely, vertical clinging foam. If there is still unreacted vinegar, it will then react with the soap, which is why the ratios are important to maintain.
The mom in me has to point out that if you have kids who wonder about the purpose of science class in “the real world,” you can show them this little reaction. Of course, drinking milk and orange juice at the same time will also point out why you should know your acids from your bases.
So, for cleaning, there is a better way. Use the soap to clean and the vinegar as a rinse agent.
One common complaint with using the Castile Soap, especially on hard or shiny surfaces is that it leaves a film behind. This film is caused by the soap reacting with minerals in the water. It is not actually soap itself left behind, but rather certain salts. When this builds up on sinks and tubs, we call this soap scum. Vinegar is a great way to cut this. So after you’ve handwashed your dishes with Castile Soap and rinsed them, dip them in a sink of vinegar water. Or after you’ve wiped down the sinks and tubs with soapy water, rinse, and then spray with a vinegar solution (about 1 cup vinegar/quart water).
I’ll give more time to windows later (one of the things I actually really enjoy cleaning), but briefly, for dirty exterior windows, spray them with my Castile Soap solution, wipe them with a chamois, then spray them with vinegar and squeegee. Works great! Better than Windex.
Also, on the hair, if you do not have our Citrus Hair Rinse, but just want to use vinegar or lemon juice, rinse the soap out of your hair first. Then apply the vinegar or lemon juice.
So Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap and vinegar are a fabulous one, two punch. One after the other. Not at the same time.
Help! I did what I wasn’t supposed to do and mixed Castile Soap and vinegar. How do I clean it up?
The best way to remedy this is to re-wash the surface with the recommended dilution of Sal Suds or Castile Soap (If handy, Sal Suds is slightly better at grabbing the oils). In the case of laundry, wash the load with the recommended amount of Sal Suds or Castile, and with an added 1/2 (120 mL) cup baking soda (¼ cup [60 mL] in HE) and a pre-soak or pre-wash cycle.
As a sidenote: As a synthetic detergent, Sal Suds has a completely different chemical makeup than a true soap such as Castile Soap. While vinegar doesn’t cause it to unsaponify, adding even a small amount of vinegar to Sal Suds significantly reduces its cleaning and degreasing power.
Further reading
- What Can You Mix with Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds?
- What Can You Mix with Castile Soap?
- Sal Suds Dilution Cheat Sheet
- Dilutions Cheat Sheet for Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap
This use and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on DrBronner.com or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.
OMG! I averted catastrophe because I have a tiny bit of knowledge about saponification from making soap.. but that was AFTER I mixed the two to do windows. I saw immediately what was happening & dumped the whole greasy mess & scrubbed the 5 gallon bucket with dish soap & started again. I then searched on line to see if I was correct & found your post. BINGO! I undid the chemical reaction that made the soap to begin with. *sigh* lesson learned… I wondered why it didn’t mention widows on the bottle. LOL. OK wash with Dr Bronners & rinse with vinegar water.
Hi Vikki- I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you! Both are great green cleaning ingredients – just not together.
I was researching DIY dog shampoo when I came across the ingredient Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap. I have never heard of castile soap, so of course I asked my bff Google. I noticed a site that has warnings and that’s how I ended up here. You have a warning stating not to mix vinegar with it. I also saw a response to a comment on your store site that stated aloe gel should not be added. The recipe that I found for homemade dog shampoo calls for both aloe gel and vinegar to be added to the castile soap. So I guess my question is “Will this work? Is it harmful in any way to mix? Wait that’s 2 questions. Anyway, I’m confused.
Hi Mary- The short answer to your question is no, it will not work. Vinegar reacts with Castile soap to unsaponify it, turning it into a white goopy mix. Aloe vera often contains other ingredients that can react with Castile soap similarly. It also needs prolonged contact with skin to be effective. Castile alone works great for washing pups, though! Just ask my dog Tucker (meet him here: https://www.lisabronner.com/dog-washing-with-dr-bronners-soap/). For more on what to mix, or not, with Castile soap, see this blog post: https://www.lisabronner.com/what-can-you-mix-with-castile-soap/.
[…] ↑http://www.lisabronner.com/a-word-of-caution-about-vinegar-and-castile-soap/ […]
[…] and castile soap. Don’t. They do not mix well and you will end up with a gross curdled mess. Take a look at what Lisa Bronner (of Dr. Bronner’s) has to say. Dr. Bronner’s and vinegar separate are awesome. Together they are just […]
Thank you on the castile vinegar thing.
Hi Sheryl- It’s great to hear you’ve found that post helpful!
Good to know! I can totally see how someone would think one good cleaner plus another good cleaner is going to equal the best cleaner. Thanks for the heads up that the vinegar will actually cancel out the effect of castile soap.
[…] While vinegar can be an effective cleaner (more on that momentarily), it lacks the surfactants necessary to remove serious dirt and grease buildup. So, many people mix in castile soap to get that extra umph. However, if you want the benefits of both castile soap and vinegar, use them in that order, as mixing them together can nullify some of those effects. […]
I’ve read using Dr. Bronner castille soap with apple cider vinegar and oatmeal water is a good shampoo for dogs with allergies. Your saying to not mix the vinegar with the soap. I’m confused and need something to help my poor dog
Hi J.- You don’t want to mix vinegar and Castile soap, because the vinegar will cause the soap to unsaponify. If your dog has skin allergies, I recommend the Unscented Castile soap. There are also lots of great ideas in the comments from dog lovers for both topical and dietary treatments of pets with allergies. Consult your vet for other treatments.
Hi lisa, so could you use uncented castille soap on a cut behind a cats ear with safely? Thank you.
Hi Jodi- Although the cut does need to be kept clean, if it is open, the soap would sting.
Go to a licensed veterinarian who is trained to deal with that and quit looking on home recipe sites for “help for your dog”
A vet tech
So I didn’t realize you couldn’t mix the two.
I was washing some strawberries with a mixture of water, Castile soap and 1/4 c vinegar.
The strawberries and the soap were already in there when I added the vinegar and the reaction happened where all the water turned to look like milk.
I instantly rinsed them out but I’m wondering if it’s safe to eat after I rinsed them off.
Hi Amber- I’m sorry that happened to you! The strawberries will be safe to eat, yes, but they might be a little oily. If you have Sal Suds, fill a bowl with water and add a couple drops of Sal Suds. Or, Castile will work too – just add a squirt. Dunk the strawberries in to wash and then rinse in clear water.
I’m trying to reduce the amount of chemicals I use for house cleaning and bathing. I purchased some Bronner castle soap, which I used in my bath as a relaxing bath soak, only to discover a huge amount of scum left in the tub. We have very hard water and wonder if there is anything I can use to stop the soap reacting with our water?
Many thanks.
Hi Sadie- I think a couple of tablespoons of baking soda added to your bath might be a buffer. I’m not positive, but the minerals in your water should react with the baking soda rather than the soap. If you want to try this, let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear!
My whole house has tile floors. I recently noticed that my floors look dirty as soon as anyone walks on them because they are almost oily. I then discovered that my house keeper has been mixing apple cider vinegar with the Castile soap. I’m glad I found your post! What can I do to remove the oily film????
Thank you!
Hi Kate- Gah! I’m so sorry this has happened! Use 1/2 Tbsp Sal Suds in about 3 gallons of really hot water to pick that up. You may need to repeat a few times. Let me know how it goes.
Hi Lisa, I have not yet tried this but I would like to know your thoughts or if you have tried it.
What about first using diluted vinegar on hair for a few minutes to loosen build up/debris and seal the cuticle then rinsing the vinegar solution out and washing with the castile soap (then rinsing again with plain water)?
Then I would get the moisturizing benefits of the castile soap (and a hopefully better hair scent).
Also, is there a Dr. Bronner’s hair conditioner in the works and can I request the almond scent for that?
Thank you
Hi Marie- I haven’t tried this, but I feel like the Castile Soap would open the hair cuticle right back up and you’d end up with frizzy hair. As an alternative to the vinegar rinse, give the Organic Citrus Hair Rinse a try. And I’ve been really happy with how the Hair Creme smooths and moisturizes my hair. For more excellent tips, check out the Definitive Guide to Washing Your Hair with Dr. B’s on the Dr. Bronner’s blog (https://www.drbronner.com/all-one-blog/2017/03/definitive-guide-washing-hair-dr-bronners/). Almond hair creme is not in the works, as nice as that would be.
Can I mix Castile soap with coconut milk for my hair?
Hi Marisa- Keep in mind that the primary purpose of soap is to grab onto grime and oils and wash them away. Adding coconut milk will reduce the cleaning ability of the soap because some of the soap molecules will chase the oil molecules in the milk. I cover all kinds of interactions in this blog post, https://www.lisabronner.com/what-can-you-mix-with-castile-soap/. If you’re seeking a bit more moisture for your hair, the Organic Sugar Soap or Organic Shaving Soap contain sugar, white grape juice and Shikakai powder, all of which draw moisture into skin and hair.
[…] Personally, I’m okay with using it in this recipe because (1) I don’t use it very often, only when soap scum actually accumulates in my shower or tub; and (2) the alternative I would normally use in place of the Dawn (castile soap) isn’t effective when mixed with vinegar. […]
Your other posts give recipes using Dr. Bronner and vinegar, so I’m just wondering why that is so? Seems contradictory.
Hi Dawna- I love how thoroughly you’re reading my blog! For laundry, vinegar is added to the rinse cycle and never encounters the soap. In the GIY Soft Scrub, because the baking soda is more readily available than the soap, the vinegar chooses to react with that first. But amounts are important here. Too much vinegar, and it’s going to use up the baking soda and then move on to the soap. Is there another blog post or recipe you’re seeing with a potential interaction?
Hi! I just started using the castile soap with warm water and essential oils for a dishwasher mix….but bad residue on the dishes when they came out, and that’s with vinegar as the rinse aid, and I dont have hard water, what can I do! I want to continue to use this as my new detergent.
Hi Alison – I haven’t gotten the Castile to work right in the dishwasher either, despite variations. It’s been frustrating. There are other readers here, though, that have come up with formulations that work for them, and I invite them to share their tips on this thread. If I figure it out, I’ll definitely post about it.
I did a mix of castille soap with vinegar thinking it was going to be fine but now it’s all over my clothes. Is there a way to come back from this?
Hi Jocelyn- I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’ve never been in this situation, but I suggest turning to Sal Suds here, as it’s more powerful than Castile soap. Soak clothing in a heavily diluted tub of Sal Suds and water for about an hour. Then re-wash with 2-3 Tbsp Sal Suds, 1/2 cup baking soda for scrubbing action, and 1 cup vinegar added to the fabric softener compartment (halve these amounts for an HE machine). If you don’t have Sal Suds, re-wash with 1/2 cup Castile (1/4 cup for HE), baking soda and vinegar. You can repeat the process if needed.
I am quite confused about this statement: “It doesn’t matter what else is in the solution, or in what order you combine them. If you end up with the soap and the vinegar in the same container, this reaction will occur.”
In a recipe of yours, you gave a soft scrub recipe that does add vinegar to castile soap after mixing with baking soda. So, it seems to conflict with the above statement that suggests vinegar and castile soap should never be together regardless of what else is mixed in there. The recipe is from here: https://www.lisabronner.com/giy-soft-scrub-with-dr-bronners/
If baking soda and castile soap are both alkaline, won’t the vinegar also work against them, neutralizing the effect? I am not a chemistry person but I have been reading your articles about what you can and can’t mix with castile soap and I thought mixing castile soap with anything acidic reverses any benefit.
Please explain the difference between your statement here and the soft scrub. I want to make the soft scrub recipe. Thanks in advance!
Hi Abigail- Thank you for reading my blog so carefully! You are absolutely right that it is a contradiction. Since I wrote the GIY Soft Scrub post, my own understanding has changed. In the GIY Soft Scrub recipe, the baking soda is more readily available than the soap, so the vinegar chooses to react with that first. But, if you have too much vinegar, its going to use up the baking soda and then move on to the soap. That’s why the ratio is so important. Thanks to your astute observation, I’ve updated the post to better explain the reaction.
Unfortunately I did mixed one bottle of castle soap and vinegar out of curiosity & ended up having just as shown in your picture. Do I have to throw the whole pot or can i undo this & make full use of the the soap. Thank you.
Hi Hayati- I’m sorry that happened to you! Unfortunately, it can’t be undone.
Hello Lisa-I am a newbie to this product. I am wanting to use it for my dogs. Both have very itchy skin, so I was thinking I would like to try your Castile soap, and was thinking a apple vinegar rinse with it. Any information here would be much appreciated. I am just not sure what I should be doing here, I surely don’t want to do more harm than good.
Hi JoAnn- Welcome! Castile soap works great on dogs! I covered the topic in this post: https://www.lisabronner.com/dog-washing-with-dr-bronners-soap/. For itchy skin, try a mild scent, such as Lavender or Unscented. I don’t use an apple cider rinse on my dog, Tucker, but you certainly can. Start with a dilution of 1:3 apple cider vinegar and water.
Hi I’m using a mix of Dr. Bronners Lavender Castile soap and super washing soda on my laundry but its leaving spots that look like grease stains. Should I use vinegar in the rinse cycle to clear those spots? If so how much for a large load?
Hi Jennifer- This isn’t typical. Are you using the liquid Castile soap or grated bar soap? Vinegar in the rinse cycle is a good idea in general if you have hard water. Use 1 cup for a regular load (1/2 cup for an HE machine). Try leaving out the washing soda and see what happens. Of course, if you live with kids, as I do, check pockets for crayons or other greasy treasures.
Thank you I’ll try tweaking the recipe ?
Can you use vinegar in the rinse cycle of the wash if you are using Castile soap?
Hi Jan- Yes, at that point in the cycle, the Castile soap has been rinsed out. The vinegar doesn’t have a chance to interact with it.
[…] I’m a big believer in the power of vinegar. A lot of cleaning recipes use vinegar as a disinfectant, but vinegar and soap do not mix when it comes to cleaners. Since this recipe for natural disinfecting wipes also uses castile soap to break down greasy residues, vinegar won’t work here. (Lisa Bronner, from the Dr. Bronner soap family, spells out why vinegar and soap don’t work together as a cleaner in this article.) […]
[…] I’m a big believer in the power of vinegar. A lot of cleaning recipes use vinegar as a disinfectant, but vinegar and soap do not mix when it comes to cleaners. Since this recipe for natural disinfecting wipes also uses castile soap to break down greasy residues, vinegar won’t work here. (Lisa Bronner, from the Dr. Bronner soap family, spells out why vinegar and soap don’t work together as a cleaner in this article.) […]
[…] Vinegar: Versatile and safe to use on almost anything in your home (shy away from granite and marble). Vinegar is an amazing cleaner on its own and when paired with certain ingredients, but not castile soap, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Read more about that here. […]
[…] I’m a giant believer in the power of vinegar. A lot of cleansing recipes use vinegar as a disinfectant, however vinegar and cleaning soap don’t combine with regards to cleaners. Since this recipe for pure disinfecting wipes additionally makes use of castile cleaning soap to interrupt down greasy residues, vinegar gained’t work right here. (Lisa Bronner, from the Dr. Bronner cleaning soap household, spells out why vinegar and cleaning soap don’t work collectively as a cleaner in this article.) […]
[…] mix with acidic substances like vinegar or lemon juice, as they will react with each other and cancel each other out, as the vinegar […]
Hi there. I just got my hands on a sample pack of the castille soaps. Super excited. I just read above about the common complaint of the “film” that people notice sometimes as a result of the castille soap reacting with minerals in water. Would it help if I used distilled water?
Hi Sophie- Welcome to the Dr. Bronner’s family! Distilled water will help to minimize mineral build-up. You might find my blog post on soap scum helpful, https://www.lisabronner.com/scum-scum-go-away/.
Does anyone if Castile soaps can be used on stained concrete? I do not want the shine to dull, but I, looking for a natural way to clean my newly stained floors.
Hi Cynthia- Those sound beautiful! Castile does a great job on floors, but it does react with hard water to leave a white mineral deposit, which is especially apparent on concrete. Sal Suds doesn’t have this reaction. Dilute 1/2 Tbsp. in 3 gallons of water. If you have any concerns, spot test in an inconspicuous area first.
Thank you. I bought a bottle yesterday, I look forward to trying it out.
We have been Dr Bronners fans for years and after recently remodeling our bathroom have discovered that our favorite peppermint soap is badly staining our off-white porcelain tiles an orangey-yellow. The tile is egg shell textured but are not porous.
To be clear this is not the usual white film many people report but a distinct amber stain anywhere the soap has touched in its undiluted form leading to drip stains, splatters and runny lines down our shower walls.
A “Natural” bathroom cleaner purchased from Wholefoods has lightened the stains only slightly and I’m at a loss as to how to remove it completely.
If anyone has come across something similar I’d love to hear any solutions.
Hi Andrew- I’m terribly sorry to hear this! It’s a new one to me. Have you tried scouring with baking soda or sprinkling baking soda then spraying with vinegar and scouring?
Thanks for your reply Lisa.
We did try baking soda with no success but vinegar (or lemon juice) was our next plan of attack so I will try that tonight and hopefully the stains will fade.
[…] Source […]
[…] Why use vodka instead of vinegar in your cleaning wipes recipe? Castile soap will interact with vinegar and leave a harmless white film on your surfaces. […]
So I found this thread *after* mixing the soap and vinegar in the laundry. ??♀️ Now the greasy film is splattered all over my husband’s work shirts. Help!! What’s the best way to get it out?
Hi Christen- I am so sorry this happened to you! Vinegar can be added to the rinse cycle, in which case it doesn’t have a chance to interact with the Castile, but as you’ve discovered, those two ingredients don’t play well together. To remove, pre-treat the spots with Sal Suds and soak before laundering. For a how-to, refer to this post: https://www.lisabronner.com/pretreating-laundry-stains-with-dr-bronners/.
Thank you Lisa!! Praying this does the trick.
[…] a que el vinagre es un ácido y el jabón de Castilla es una base que esencialmente se anulan entre sí. El vinagre ‘unsaponifies’ el jabón – reducir de nuevo a su propio aceite. Se […]
Hi lisa,
for the laundry, (probably a stupid question but i’d rather ask than have a bubble tsunami situation in the laundry..) for front loaders, would you half the measurements?
Hi Jenny- Coming from someone who has experienced a bubble tsunami or two, it’s better to ask! The amounts differ for a standard or HE machine. For a standard front-loader, use 1/2 cup Castile soap. If you have hard water, add 1 cup vinegar in fabric softener compartment. Halve these amounts in HE machines.
Hi Lisa
I would like to change my laundry detergent to your product. If I have it right and my math is correct:
I have an He front load washer. If I add 1/4 cup the Pure-Castile soap to Laundry, the container I buy for $25 (946 ml) will do 16 loads. Isn’t that kind of expensive? Please let me know. Love your product for all other uses.
Hi Bill- That is the correct amount for an HE washer. You could check out the Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds which makes a slightly more fantastic laundry wash. Use 1 to 1 1/2 Tbsp. (15-22 mL) for a large load in an HE machine.
[…] vinegar is an acid and the castile soap is a base they will essentially cancel each other out. The vinegar ‘unsaponifies’ the soap – reducing it back to its original oils. You’ll be […]
I am interested in buying dr bronner’s sal suds to make my own cleaner. Unfortunately,while looking at the ingredients list I see it contains sodium lauryl sulfate,a known skin irritant.Per Mercola’s website, I see that “although SLS originates from coconuts, the chemical is anything but natural. The real problem with SLES/SLS is that the manufacturing process (ethoxylation) results in SLES/SLS being contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a carcinogenic by-product”
Here is another website explaining this:
Where exactly does the sodium lauryl sulfate come from?
Thank you.
Hi Ann- It’s great that you look closely at ingredient lists! The Dr. Mercola article lumps together SLS and SLES, which though related, have significant differences. SLES is the only one of the two that undergoes ethoxylation, which is the process that produces the carcinogenic byproduct 1,4 Dioxane. SLS does not contain a nitrosamine group and therefore cannot have the carcinogenic concern. SLS is one of the most benign synthetic ingredients available. The Cosmetics Safety Database gives it a 1-2 in their hazard rankings (https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredient/706110/SODIUM_LAURYL_SULFATE/#.WXYgvoTyuUk), which is almost the lowest (i.e. least hazardous) ranking they have. SLS’s only drawback is that it can be drying to skin, which is why it shouldn’t be in personal care products. If you’re looking for a natural product, our Castile Soap is made entirely from pure plant oils and makes an excellent all-purpose household cleaner. For a deeper dive on SLS, refer to my blog post on it: https://www.lisabronner.com/there-is-no-cancer-risk-from-sls-sodium-lauryl-sulfate/.
[…] do not use castile soap in cleaning solutions with vinegar or lemon. You'll be left with a dreaded white film […]
Can I use Dr. Bronner on marble surface?
You sure can! You don’t want an acidic solution, such as vinegar, on marble as it can etch. But both the Castile soap and Sal Suds are alkaline, and when diluted have a pH near neutral, so they are safe.
I just purchased some of the liquid castile soap to use for hand soap and dish soap. Problem is, they are both so runny. I have read reviews online where you can add salt to the soap/water mixture to thicken, but it turns my mixture to curds. (I have tried both Table Salt and Sea Salt with no success). Is there another way to thicken the mixture?
Hi CC- Both table salt and sea salt contain trace minerals, which I suspect caused the curdling. Pure salt, labeled as Kosher Salt or Pickling Salt, will have a slight thickening result – but probably not as much as you’re looking for. Instead, try a foaming pump with 1 part soap to 3 parts water, or our Organic Sugar Soap – which is naturally thicker – for hands, face and body – one on dishes though. Refer to our “cheat sheet” to really put the Castile soap to work: https://www.lisabronner.com/dilutions-cheat-sheet-for-dr-bronners-castile-soap/
The only people I trust to give me undiluted organic Castile Liquid is http://www.countryrosesoap.ca. Country Rose Soap Canada.
Their Castile is not runny either.
Certain essential oils I noticed make it way thicker too which is probably destroying the Castile. I believe we are not supposed to use any acidic ones, like lime, no vinegar, … I was told to mind the ratio of any additives to Castile: i.e. 2.5% additives (e.g. combination of essential or carrier oils, water, etc.) to 97.5& Castile Liquid Soap. Anything more than 2.5%-3%, I was told, will damage the composition of the Castile and it will start to separate its components.
Lisa will know more about all this.
Lisa if you would give us a list of essential oils that MAKE a gooey mess of Castile Liquid Soap – so that we may avoid adding these when making hand, body, or shampoos – it will be greatly appreciated by all in this group, I am sure.
Hi Antoinette – You’re very savvy to watch out for chemical reactions in DIY mixtures. I wrote an overview of that exact topic, regarding what you can mix with Dr. Bronner’s Castile soap: What Can You Mix with Castile Soap. Pure essential oils won’t react with our Castile soap. However, other plant extracts might. For example, lemon or lime oil does not react with Castile soap (which is how we have our Citrus Castile soap), but lemon or lime juice (because they’re acids) do react, and forms a goopy mess. As you said, vinegar reacts as well. Our Castile soaps dilute just fine in water, and my recommended dilution for an All Purpose Household Spray is just 1/4 c. of soap in 1 Qt. of water.
I can’t vouch for how other formulations of castile soap may combine with other ingredients. I recommend reaching out to them specifically.
Hi Lisa, don’t understand how Lime and Lemon don’t react to Castile. Thought all acids react.
You did not say what to mix up with Castile to make a 2 in 1 shampoo, i.e. to avoid the rinse with Vinegar.
Hi Antoinette – You are right in thinking that lemon or lime juice does react with the Castile. Juice, which is extracted from the pulp of the fruit, is acidic and water based. Lemon or Lime oil, on the other hand, is extracted from the peel of the fruit, doesn’t have much of a pH because it is not water-based. It does not react with the Castile.
A 2-in-1 shampoo isn’t really possible with a true soap like Castile. You see this feature in detergent based hair care, and it has to do with the concept of different polarities of different types of molecules – which can then have a cleansing component side by side with a deeper conditioning component. I don’t have my head wrapped around all that enough to explain in more detail. If another reader has that info handy, chime in please.
For a milder wash, with less need to condition, try our Organic Sugar Soaps. Or, some people have had success with adding coconut milk to the soap. This will reduce the ability of the soap to clean, but it does make it more conditioning. I am pulling these ideas from the Definitive Guide to Washing Your Hair on the Dr. Bronner’s blog.
[…] A Word Of Caution About Vinegar And Castile Soap […]
[…] I went, and all of them combined both vinegar AND castile soap, and as I have been learning (from Lisa Bronner's blog), that is a big […]
[…] it no longer soap. This renders the whole concoction basically useless. Dr. Bronner's own daughter, Lisa, wrote an entire blog post dedicated to this exact […]
Slightly unrelated but I couldn’t find a place on the Internet to ask this: Should I rinse my floors with clean water after I mop them with a Bronner solution?
Hi Sean- If you use the ratio I recommend (1/2 cup Castile soap to 3 gallons of hot water) and a good mop (I like microfiber), no you do not need to. At this great a dilution, the soap is going to grab the dirt on one side and the water on the other and the mop is going to carry them away.
Hi there, what’s the best scent for laundry that will stay on the clothes? Thanks!
Hi Christine- The scents in our Castile soaps come from natural essential oils and won’t stick to and linger on clothing like a conventional laundry detergent or fabric softener – and that’s okay. It takes some time to get un-used to scented laundry, but those fragrances, which latch quite firmly onto fabrics, are often the worst offenders as far as toxic content. (You can read my rant on fragrances in my post, “Changing the Smell of Clean”: https://www.lisabronner.com/changing-the-smell-of-clean/.) To scent clean clothes and linens, place sachets in drawers and cupboards. Some people opt to add a couple of drops of essential oils to a wool dryer ball for scent. I recently come across Trader Joe’s lavender dryer sachets, which are filled with natural lavender and just get tossed in the dryer. You could even make your own.
“Some people opt to add a couple of drops of essential oils to a wool dryer ball for scent.”
Do you know if the essentials oils might come off on your fabrics, since they aren’t really diluted?
And do you think putting essential oils into the dryer in any form constitutes a fire hazard, since they are flammable? Not sure if the dryer would be hot enough (even on a high setting) to make this a concern…
Hi Beth – I sheepishly have to admit that I had not considered the idea of the flashpoint of essential oils in the dryer. I’m so glad you brought it up. I don’t use them there myself, but I don’t want to point others in the wrong direction. I just did some research, and the flashpoint of most essential oils is above the highest setting on a dryer, but there are some common essential oils, like citrus, that are not. There still would need to be an ignition source, but a really good spark theoretically could provide that. Again, thank you for bringing this idea up. I’m going to scan through my comments and amend them to state that essential oils in the dryer is not a good idea.
I’d like to try Dr Bonner’s for my laundry. However I have read that using vinegar in the machine will damage the rubber seals. Is it essential to use vinegar? Can I just use the soap and dilute it or mix baking soda with it. Please let me know.
Hi Bill- No, you do not need to use vinegar in the laundry. If you have hard water, I recommend using Sal Suds in the laundry, 2-3 Tbsp. for a large load in a top loading washer. Use half these amounts for HE washers. Sal Suds is slightly more effective at stain removal and rinses clean, even if you have hard water. If you like, you can add a 1/2 cup baking soda (1/4 cup for HE washers) in the wash cycle for a particularly soiled load or extra whitening. For the record, I use vinegar in my washer periodically and haven’t noticed any damage to the rubber seals.
Thank you for your quick reply.
Now I know what to do 🙂
“I recommend using Sal Suds in the laundry, 2-3 Tbsp. for a large load in a top loading washer. Use half these amounts for HE washers.”
Do you recommend diluting Sal Suds in a bottle in your laundry room, simply for easier pouring? (I.e., when I measure out a tbsp or so, the Sal Suds are so thick, it is hard to measure and pour completely off the measuring spoon.)
Also, I figure this might be a good way to add (and dilute) essential oils I want to use in the laundry. I suppose the Sal Suds would need to be diluted with distilled water, as opposed to tap water, to avoid molding?
Hi Beth- I know just what you’re talking about. With my top-loader, I hold the cup under the filling stream to clear out the Sal Suds. It’s perfectly fine to pre-dilute, just adjust the amount used at an equal rate to your dilution. For example, if you dilute Sal Suds by 50%, then double the amount used per load.
Hi, I’m trying to make homemade shampoo, but my mixture separated into very oil curdles. I followed a basic recipie with castille soap base, and added distilled water, oils and some citric acid as preservative….I also put in a bit emulsifier…then it turned into mayonnaise ?. Is there anything else I can do to salvage it ? Thanks
Hi Belka – I’m sorry that happened to you! Unfortunately, it was the citric acid that caused the Castile soap to unsaponify. There’s no way to undo that. Personally, I use the Castile soap as-is to wash my hair, followed by an acidic rinse. You can read more about that on my blog post, https://www.lisabronner.com/from-shampoo-to-soap-%E2%80%93-my-story/.
[…] Some very well meaning people have given recipes for a window washing solution that includes mixing Castile soap directly with vinegar. Don’t do that, as I explain in my past blog, A Word of Caution about Vinegar and Castile Soap. […]
I mixed vinegar and soap with my precious expensive Young Living cleaner and lemon essential oil….how do I re clean my floors to get the film off?! Never mind that I’m devastated that I just wasted a whole bottle of my homemade cleaner (crying) but my floors are filmy and sticky and I’m ocd and can’t go
To bed lol. I’ve already steam mopped twice! Help! Please. Thanks!
Hi Jessica – Oh no! I’m sorry to not see your comment earlier, as that is certainly the kind of thing to keep one up at night! Mopping your floors again with the Castile soap should pick up any remaining oil. You’ll want to use 1/2 cup of soap to 3 gallons of hot water.
Do you recommend Dr Bronner’s castille soap for a base for shampoo. I’m not sure if that’s what is washing my hair color out or if my EO’s are to high in ph.
Hi Debbie- Yes, you can wash your hair with the Castile soap, but not color-treated hair. The alkalinity of the Castile soap opens up the hair follicles, where the color resides. Colored hair needs acidic products only, and soap, by nature, cannot be acidic. Only detergents (shampoo) can be.
[…] die Seife quasi wieder in ihre Bestandteile. (Lisa Bronner erklärt das ganz gut in einem ihrer Posts.) Nach der Essigwasser-Spülung (die ich ebenfalls gründlich ausgespült habe – mein Hund […]