As with all things Dr. Bronner’s, there is versatility and choice in shaving with Dr. Bronner’s products.
Skin Care
Skin is our body’s largest organ. Find out how best to take care of it, details on ingredient safety, and whole lifestyle habits that impact our skin. Learn how to read labels and where Dr. Bronner’s products fit in.
Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Here is a quick reference for using Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap.
Liquid vs. bar is mostly a matter of personal preference. However, there are some differences between the two.
“Enjoy only 2 cosmetics: enough sleep and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap.” For a clear complexion, this has been my recipe.
One soap from head to toe. That’s it. I use it on my face. I use it on my body. I use it on my hair.
How to use Dr. Bronner’s Magic Balm on your baby.