Join me in calling for greater safety and transparency around our personal care products, especially to protect our most vulnerable and exposed populations.
Certifications, ingredients, labeling lingo? What a quagmire! Transform yourself into an informed, discerning consumer to spend wisely and cruise through the marketing melee with a savvy eye.
Let’s celebrate the progress towards greater consumer safety policies! May these victories spur us on in our pursuit of still needed protections.
With the allure of softening clothes, reducing static, smoothing wrinkles, and smelling flowery (sort of), it can be hard to break up with fabric softener. Here are the downsides.
Organic has many benefits, but sometimes the sticker shock can be a deterrent, so here are ways to go organic, while maintaining your food budget.
In addition to the safety benefit, green cleaning costs less per use and creates a lot less cleaning cabinet clutter. I have learned that a few products can clean it all.
Buying fair trade is about voting with our dollar. If we purchase fairly produced products, we are voting for fair production practices.