Dr. Bronner's

Gift Idea: Gift Tags for Gifting Dr. Bronner’s

Gift Tags

What is shaped like a wine bottle, fits perfectly in a wine bag, and brings joy to any occasion? A quart of Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap, of course! It is the perfect holiday, hospitality, or any time gift! Plus, here are some stellar gift tags to top it all off.

Castile Soap for everyone on your list

The Castile Soap makes a perfect gift for a variety of reasons. First, everyone needs soap so there’s no question of usefulness, and you’re not making a suggestion for improvement (always a no-no in gift giving) since soap is for all. Second, with its super concentrated formula, the soap will last them a super long time. Third, with its simple organic ingredients and pure essential oils, you’ll be giving them only the best.

The hard part will be in selecting the ideal scent. You could go with the classic and original Peppermint. Dressed in its wintry blue, it is festive and fitting. Or you could go with my favorite, the Almond—warm and mellow and cozy. Just right for cold winter mornings. But maybe you’d like to bring them some sunshine, so opt for the Citrus or Lavender or Rose. Or would an outdoorsy scent be best—Eucalyptus or Tea Tree? Then there’s the simple and elegant Unscented for those who prefer no scent—or you could pair it with a few vials of essential oils for fun customization.

Gift tags for any Dr. Bronner’s products!

This is what I really wanted to tell you about here: these printable pdf gift tags. How can I be this excited about gift tags? But these aren’t just any gift tags. Each of these gift tags has a quote either from the inimitable Dr. Bronner’s label or from my one-of-a-kind Uncle Ralph Bronner.

Ralph was Dr. Bronner’s middle child—my dad Jim’s older brother. He was an inner-city middle school English teacher and folk guitarist who never met a stranger. And people never forgot their conversations with him.

One thing I’ve never forgotten are the ways he’d describe the Peppermint Castile Soap to people who hadn’t tried it. I decided to turn his phrases into gift tags so you can share his wit and wisdom with your friends. Be warned though, they might remember the gift tag more than the gift!

If you’re gifting the Peppermint Castile Soap, take your pick from these zingers:

  • “Washing with the peppermint soap is like getting hugged by a snowman.”
  • “It is like a magician and pharmacist gave birth, and this hydrating soap was the baby.”
  • “It’s like putting a York Peppermint Patty in your underwear.”

Uncle Ralph, nobody said it quite like you.

But that’s not all! Check out my second set of gift tags for gifting other Dr. Bronner’s products. Maybe a set of Castile Bar Soaps, or a pair of the aptly named Organic Magic Balms, of which I use copious amounts.

This set of tags pulls from various statements my grandfather Dr. Emanuel Bronner included on his label of many words:

  • “To keep my health! To do my work! To love, to live! To see to it I gain & grow & give & give.”
  • “Breathe deeply! Health is wealth!”
  • “Enjoy only 2 cosmetics, enough sleep & Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap!”
  • “Cleansing body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting One! All-One!”

While these gift tags are in color, they also print beautifully on a black and white printer. Tie on with a bit of twine or raffia and your gift is certain to be a favorite.

One final suggestion: Usage Cheat Sheets

If you’re gifting certain Dr. B products to a newbie, perhaps they would appreciate a guide to explore their versatility. Print out one of these Usage Cheat Sheets to accompany the gift:

Gifts aside, I hope your gatherings and celebrations abound with love and connections that fill and restore your spirit.

Further reading

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Uncle Ralph's Gift Tags

Each gift tag contains a quote from my inimitable Uncle Ralph Bronner, who had the best descriptions for the Peppermint Soap.


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Dr. Bronner's Label Gift Tags

This set of gift tags is for gifting any Dr. Bronner’s product and pulls from various statements my grandfather Dr. Bronner included on his label.


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Carolyn says:

Love your blog! You’ve really outdone yourself on these gift ideas and tags. I’ve bookmarked for next year. Many thanks.

Barbara Mackie says:

Just received bottled Castile Soap today. Never used before. Needing measurements for making solution for body and shampoo together. I purchased scented Eucalyptus Castile. Awaiting your reply .. thank you

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Barbara- Welcome! Generally, we say one small squirt for the body and either 1/2 Tbsp. or a dilution of 1/2 Tbsp. soap in 1/2 cup of water for shampoo. These are guidelines though, so adjust to your preference. Converting from conventional shampoo to soap does take some time and tinkering. Read about my experience here: Because the Castile soap is so exceedingly versatile, I’ll refer you to the “cheat sheet” for other uses:

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Doris – My grandfather (Dr. Bronner) used the Peppermint Castile to clean his own dentures. I haven’t had any feedback on this, and I am not sure the details. Personally, I use the Castile to clean the bite guard I wear at night. I’ve had it for years and the soap has worked very well.

Dana says:

Hi Lisa,
Does the Castille liquid soap ever expire? I recently found a bottle in my cabinet that I had not used for years!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dana – Officially it has a shelf life of three years, but it will work long after that. It’s only the essential oils that may dissipate after that point. If you could locate a number code printed below the label on the bottle, I could give you the date of manufacture. The first four numbers are a Julian date: the first number tells you the year (i.e. 7=2017), and the next three tell you the date out of 365. So 7001 would be January 1, 2017.

Reitta Mernitszi says:

ermindorp dr bronner! het sulta-yen la “tea tree” weserkor? Erdu wal? Tetsumonji ere “castile baby unscented bar” madurka! Eer ls sulta hetmon…erla kouphor.


Tara says:

While I personally love the peppermint for bathing, my little kids (9 & 4.5) call it the “spicy” soap and don’t like it! My youngest says it makes her cold. So, just a word of caution, that it might be a bit too tingly for the little ones. 🙂

Wendi says:

Hi! I just received my first order of Dr. Bronner’s Castille liquid soap. I’m trying to go green. I haven’t used it yet for household cleaning, but I can’t imagine that being an issue. I did try it this morning as shampoo. I also used the orange cream rinse. My hair feels dirty. It looks stiff and frizzy like there is a bunch of product in it (I hate using products; root lift, mousse, gel, etc.) I really don’t like it. It feels and looks like it did when I tried a honey shampoo. Am I doing something wrong? I put about a 1/2 tsp in my wet hands and made a lather and shampood as normal. I diluted the crm rinse – 2 capfulls in 1 cup of water per instructions. worked it in, rinsed it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated, but I can’t hang with this hair. I may need to stick with store bought. 🙁
Thank you for listening (reading). I hope to hear from you soon.

Melissa P. says:

Peppermint is the first bottle I ever purchased and I love it. I use it for everything. Perfect scent for the holidays.

Cindy Bowman says:

Me too — grew up with it in college. Just don’t use it on broken skin!! LOL

Anna Reifman says:

Thank you for the wonderful idea. I will be exchanging gifts through a Secret Santa exchange and I never know what to give. I really love the tag idea.

Mickie says:

What a neat, cute idea. I LOVE all Dr. Bronner soaps that I have purchased but don’t think I have tried the peppermint. Will have to give it a try. I bathe with the lavender, fill my handwash dispensers with tea tree, have mixed your bathroom spray with Sals Suds and also use it for the laundry. Don’t want to be without it!

Janet in Rochester says:

Great idea – but this year I chose to give Dr Bronner’s Naked Lip Balms to the members of my family. I use the lemon-lime myself but felt the unscented, unflavored “Naked” balm would be best for first-timers. Next year I’m going to buy small plastic jars and dole out Sal Suds for stocking stuffers, even though I hope I’ll be able to talk my family into trying it far earlier than Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Uncle Ralph's Gift Tags

Each gift tag contains a quote from my inimitable Uncle Ralph Bronner, who had the best descriptions for the Peppermint Soap.


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Dr. Bronner's Label Gift Tags

This set of gift tags is for gifting any Dr. Bronner’s product and pulls from various statements my grandfather Dr. Bronner included on his label.