
GIY Soft Scrub with Dr. Bronner’s

A bowl of GIY Soft Scrub surrounded by the ingredients to make it including Dr. Bronner's Castile Magic Soap.

Don’t tell the others, but this recipe’s my favorite of all my Green-It-Yourself (GIY) concoctions made with Dr. Bronner’s products. Now mind you, this shouldn’t be your very first GIY—that place belongs to the All-Purpose Cleaning Spray, which if you haven’t yet made, you need to go do right now. But this one is the most fun. It is the mesmerizing magic of chemistry right before your eyes. 

What is GIY Soft Scrub good for?

The beauty of the GIY Soft Scrub is that it clings to vertical surfaces, so it is a great aid to clearing away soap scum off shower walls, rings around the tub, mold in grout, stubborn water spots on glass. This is also great for toilet bowls and shining up kitchen sinks. You’ll probably find a bunch of other uses, too.  

And it’s really fun to make. You get to see a simple and safe acid/base reaction (respect pH!) and you get to run your hands through some soft and sudsy foam. Therapeutic indeed!

The chemistry of GIY Soft Scrub

I first learned the basis of this recipe from Karen Logan’s pivotal book Clean House, Clean Planet. However, it took me some thought to figure out why this recipe works. You may have read me say elsewhere not to combine Dr. Bronner’s Castile Magic Soap (or any true soap) and vinegar, and that even Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds and vinegar isn’t a helpful combo. So why does it work here?  

There’s a bit of drama going on. A love triangle, if you will. There are two ingredients in this mixture that vinegar likes to react with: baking soda and Castile Magic Soap (or Sal Suds, though to a lesser extent). Vinegar and baking soda produces that lovely fizzy reaction that fuels many a child’s volcano experiment. Vinegar and Castile Magic Soap, on the other hand, produces a useless gunk.  

Happily, vinegar is more readily reactive with baking soda than with Castile Magic Soap or Sal Suds, so the baking soda basically runs interference, engaging all the vinegar in a gassy little dance party. There’s no vinegar left to mess up the soap or Suds.  

But that’s not the only question you might be asking. I also say elsewhere (like in my book) that the reaction between vinegar and baking soda, fun as it is, is not useful for cleaning. It is all fizz, no function. This is still true.  

Baking soda and vinegar is not useful for cleaning, but it is useful for foaming. When baking soda and vinegar react, they create gaseous carbon dioxide. That’s what’s being released in the fizz. This gas then gets trapped in the Castile Magic Soap or Sal Suds, which is just sitting there waiting for some action after the vinegar ditched it in lieu of the baking soda. The carbon dioxide trapped in the cleaner makes thousands of tiny bubbles, resulting in all that lovely foamy texture that clings to vertical surfaces.  

The reaction between the vinegar and baking soda creates the structure of the GIY Soft Scrub. 

How does the GIY Soft Scrub work?

Now that you have that beautiful foam that clings to vertical surfaces, let’s look at what is actually doing the cleaning. Two things: the surfactant (Castile Magic Soap or Sal Suds) and an abrasive (baking soda).  

Though the Soap or Suds has bubbled up with the carbon dioxide, it is still available to do its surfactant action. A surfactant is the general chemistry term for a substance that reduces the surface tension of water. They also clean by encasing every bit of grime in a little sphere of molecules called a micelle, ready to be whisked away in the rinse water.  

The baking soda, on the other hand, cleans by brute force. Mechanical action literally pushes grime off of surfaces, loosening it so that the rinse water can take it away. The amount of baking soda in this recipe means that while some will be used up in the reaction with the vinegar, there is plenty left to do this scouring. 

Which to use: Castile Magic Soap or Sal Suds

You’ll notice the recipe can be made with either Dr. Bronner’s Castile Magic Soap or Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner. In this case, they are interchangeable. You are welcome to use whichever you have or whichever you prefer. Since the Sal Suds is more concentrated, you need to use less. You may find that Sal Suds takes more rinsing, so the Castile may take less time. But they both work equally well in this recipe.  

For further info on when to use which of these versatile products, check out my article Which to Use.

Shelf life of the GIY Soft Scrub

One difference in making your own cleaners versus buying them is shelf life. You’re not adding preservatives or stability enhancers. If you leave this mixture in your cabinet for weeks, it may separate, with the baking soda settling on the bottom. If this happens, you can do a couple things. First, shake the bottle vigorously and see if that remixes it. Second, add some vinegar to the bottle and then swirl the bottle vigorously with the cap off. Keeping the cap off when adding vinegar is essential because with the production of carbon dioxide during the reaction, a closed bottle will explode.

How to make GIY Soft Scrub with Dr. Bronner’s 


In a big bowl, combine the baking soda with the Castile Magic Soap OR the Sal Suds. Mix it with a fork until well blended and no lumps remain. Add in the water and mix thoroughly again. Add in the vinegar and keep stirring until no lumps remain. Add additional water if needed until mixture is a pourable consistency. Pour the solution into an empty quart bottle, using a funnel.

How to use GIY Soft Scrub

To use this, squirt it over the surface and wipe with a damp microfiber cloth. Rinse with a wet cloth. 

And best of all, since these ingredients are simple and safe, kids can use them, too! Hand this bottle over to them and let them scrub away! 

Further Reading

Sal Suds cleaner shows >60% biodegradation after 28 days per ISO 14593.

This recipe and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen. 

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Valerie F Wood says:

Thank you, Lisa for sharing that and they work really good. I made it too. They’re wonderful to work with.🙏🏻❤️

Vic says:

Hi Lisa thank you for this recipe. I made it for the first time and it’s just wonderful at cleaning my toilets, but the 32 oz Sal Suds bottle I used made things a bit messy as I tried to squeeze under the toilet bowl rim. Can you or another commenter recommend a toilet bowl crane neck-style squeeze bottle that’s refillable so that I can fill with the GIY Soft Scrub? The commercial brand’s bottle I currently use is not refillable. Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

HI Vic- I’m so glad you gave the GIY Soft Scrub a try! It’s one of my favorite recipes and I use it a lot! I think a push-pull cap on top of your Sal Suds bottle would work great for this! These are typically used on sport drink bottles and easily found online. The 16, 25, and 32 oz. bottles all have the same neck size of 28-410. Another option is to put the GIY soft scrub directly onto the toilet brush.

Bonnie says:

I made this soft scrub yesterday for the first time and used it immediately to clean the shower, tub, toilet and sink. It worked great but it separated shortly after and no amount of shaking will get it to mix.
I followed directions exactly and poured it into an empty Sal Suds bottle.
Is there anything more I can do?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Bonnie – If it separated with a white substance settling to the bottom, that’s likely extra baking soda. You can add a little more vinegar to the mixture to react it and reblend it. Add the vinegar 1 Tbsp. at a time, and swirl it with the cap off. (It will release carbon dioxide in the reaction so you don’t want to have the container sealed or it might explode.)

Kathie says:

Hi Lisa,

I’m a long time fan of your blog and Dr. Bronner’s products with SalSuds at the top of the list! Somehow I’ve never made the GIY Soft Scrub.
Will the vinegar be neutralized? Is the scrub safe to use on the stone tiled shower?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kathie- The GIY Soft Scrub is super fun to make, and dare I say fun to use too! That’s a super question and it gives me a chance to dive into chemistry, which I love. In the case of the soft scrub, the baking soda acts as a buffer between the vinegar and the Castile Soap. Baking soda is a faster reactant with the vinegar, distracting it in a sense before the vinegar can impact the soap. This is why the proportions are key. The baking soda/vinegar reaction gives this solution its structure and ability to cling to vertical and slippery surfaces. In this instance, you are not getting any chemical cleaning from either the vinegar or baking soda, but they are acting more as mechanical cleaners. The soap is doing the work. The GIY Soft Scrub should not be used on soft stones, like marble, travertine, etc.

kate says:

I just cleaned a gnarly bathroom that I was dreading. I came across your soft scrub recipe and thankfully I had everything on hand. It inspired me to test it on this bathroom. I was blown away with how easy the grime came off!!! Thank you soo much! I’m off to explore all of your recipes!

Lisa Bronner says:

Thanks for sharing this, Kate! I’m glad the Soft Scrub was there to help you!

Toni Lee says:

Dear Mrs Bronner,

You just literally changed my life for the better! I’ve been dabbling with DIY cleaning methods for quite some time now and, thru a mistake trying to find a stain remover for my white volleyball ref shirt, I found YOU!

Your recipe for the Soft Suds (my last name is Lee so I named mine LuvLee SudsLee and added 1 teensy weensy nanodrop of beet juice to make it pink! I absolutely fell in love with this finished product! It was so fun making the paste part resembling the offspring as if toothpaste and frosting had a baby! ….

….However, I had poured the Castile first into my mixing bowl and after I added the first 1/2 C baking soda, I realized I should have measured the NaHCO3 first and THEN added the Castile to it. Either way, my out of shape muscles needed the mini-workout!

Thank you for your kindness and ability to teach these types of simple chemistry magic tricks to old school knuckleheads wwaaaayyyy later in life (that didn’t pay enough attention in high school chem) that we can be more healthy and have a cleaner, greener, and to all you stains, a stain-fighting meaner GIY home! 😂

God bless you and your family and I look forward to learning more from what you have spent your precious time, resources and efforts learning and concocting in your healthy home /GIY kitchen lab!

Respectfully yours,
Toni Lee

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Toni- I’m bowled over by your kind words and fun comment! How wonderful to hear that my information and GIY recipes have been a help. I appreciate you being here!

Wendy says:

Hi Lisa,

For this GIY Soft Scrub, can you put it in a spray bottle and spray it onto a sink or bathtub?

Thanks, Wendy M.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Wendy- I would not recommend putting the Soft Scrub in a sprayer as the baking soda grit would clog the device. Instead, try squirt bottle and squirt it onto your damp cloth and wipe it on the surface. It also works well in an empty Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap bottle or even a large-mouthed jar.

Dayzey says:

Can I substitute washing soda for baking soda? Love all these tips and thanks so much

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dayzey- Washing soda is sodium carbonate, so very similar molecularly to baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). It is more powerful than baking soda, and as such is a little harsher on clothes and may wear them down more quickly. I prefer baking soda is cheaper, available in larger bulk, and a little gentler.

Lili says:

Hi Lisa, can I use this soft scrub for cleaning / disinfecting toilet bowls? Just had enough of using bleach. Can’t think of any nin toxic substitute for it. Thanks x

diane says:

I recently heard the baking soda and vinegar cancel each other out, best to use separately.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Diane- The reaction that occurs between baking soda and vinegar results in water, carbon dioxide (a gas) and sodium acetate (a salt). Not an effective cleaner as you point out, although the reaction is the basis of many great school science experiments! In the case of the GIY Soft Scrub, the baking soda acts as a buffer between the vinegar and the Castile Soap. Baking soda is a faster reactant with the vinegar, distracting it in a sense before the vinegar can impact the soap, which would cause it to unsaponify (revert back to oils). The baking soda/vinegar reaction gives this solution its structure and ability to cling to vertical and slippery surfaces. In this instance, you are not getting any chemical cleaning from either the vinegar or baking soda, but they are acting more as mechanical cleaners. The soap is doing the work.

Valerie F Wood says:

Baking soda vinegar clean Shaw bathroom sink inside the drain keeps it flowing good

Valerie F Wood says:

Baking soda, clean stains on the floor

Sarah says:

Hi! Is it possible to use soap cream in this recipe? I only have access to bar soap at the present.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sarah- Yes! I’m glad you are familiar with the soap cream. Usually you need twice as much soap cream as liquid Castile, which in this recipe would be 2 cups of soap cream.

Megan says:

How should I easily apply this to a shower surface to clean? Should I scrub and then let it set there before wiping it off?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Megan- I would not recommend putting the Soft Scrub in a sprayer as the baking soda grit would clog the device. Instead, try squirt it onto your damp cloth and wiping it on the surface. If you want to let it sit for a bit, it will cling and then you can come back and scrub it down.

Sofia Rocha says:

Hi! Just wondering about the recipe. You mentioned baking soda in ml, but its not liquid. Is this measure correct? Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sofia- Thanks for that catch! It should be 800 grams.

Noah says:

I had the same issue as Floriana. Not with the mixture becoming warm (I don’t know how that would happen), but with it congealing when not in use. It works great right after I make it and then I can’t get it out of the bottle a few days later. Do I just add additional water to fix this?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Noah – Either add a little water to it to see if that reliquifies it, but I’m wondering if that is excess baking soda, in which case a little more vinegar would react with it and reliquify it.

Emma says:


Can I make this soft scrub using Bon Ami instead of traditional baking soda?


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Emma – I looked up the ingredients in Bon Ami, and it has a surfactant I am not familiar with: C10-C16 Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acid (Surfactant). I honestly don’t know if there would be an interaction between this and the vinegar.

Shanie says:


Thank you for the information on cleaning, I have enjoyed Dr. Bronner’s products since moving out on my own in 1989 🙂
I need a recipe for dishwasher detergent that is just as natural as Dr. Bronner’s. Any suggestions?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Shanie – I apologize for my delayed response. And I further need to apologize because I do not have a suggestion for you. It sounds like you know that Dr. Bronner’s products do not work effectively in dishwashers. They foam too much. I am still looking for a recommendable option. Let me know if you find one.

Steven says:

This smells and cleans great but I need help with the residue it leaves. My black ceramic stovetop has a white haze despite wiping it down twice with damp microfiber cloth .
It’s left a white residue in the bathroom as well.
Any advice?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Steven- If you’re making the GIY Soft Scrub with the Castile, it’s possible you’re seeing a reaction with hard water leaving minerals behind. Another possibility is that there’s leftover baking soda on the stovetop. Either way the remedy is the same – take your GIY Glass Cleaner, which is 1:1 white vinegar to water, and give it a spray and wipe.

Floriana says:


I tried making this scrub but a few days (maybe a week) after transferring it in a bottle it became rock hard!! I had to throw it away. I tried putting the bottle in warm water, adding warm water, even adding vinegar. Nothing helped. When I mixed Sal Suds and the baking soda the mixture became quite warm, I don’t know if this helps the investigation! Has this happened to anyone?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Floriana – I’ve been discussing this with our R&D folks, and we have not figured it out. It is that last clue that has particularly stumped us. we can’t figure out why mixing the Sal Suds and baking soda would produce heat. Heat is produced when two substances react with each in an exothermic reaction, but baking soda and Sal Suds don’t react with each other. There are other mixtures that would produce react and heat, such as when you add the vinegar and it reacts with the baking soda. This is a weird question, but is there a possibility that the baking soda is something else?

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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