Dr. Bronner's

Green Laundry Care With Dr. Bronner’s

Green Laundry Care with Dr. Bronner's

Profoundly grateful. Every time I load my washer, I feel it. I am so very, very appreciative for all the people whose ingenuity and curiosity led to the invention of the modern-day washing machine.

The whole process of washing my clothes takes roughly 5 active minutes of my time. I realize when I add in “thinking about the laundry,” “getting distracted while doing the laundry,” and “rewashing the laundry because I left it wet in the washer for a week,” then the process gets longer. But as far as my active participation in one load, there’s just a couple minutes to start it and a few minutes to hang clothes to dry or transfer to the dryer. As of yet, there’s no automated way to fold the laundry and put it away so we’re still pretty much just as mechanical as our 19th century counterparts. And while I am missing out on the cardio and muscle-toning aspects of washing king-sized bedsheets by hand, I can start a load while the coffee is brewing and feel productive while reading the morning paper.

If I had a pie chart of how I use the most Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds in my home, the greatest wedge would be laundry. Not because I use a lot per load, but rather because I do a lot of laundry. With five humans, two cats, one dog, and acres of dirt, that’s to be expected.

My laundry cabinet has both Sal Suds and Dr. Bronner’s Castile soap, but I reach for Sal Suds more often because it’s a bit tougher on stains and more effective in my hard water. I got started using Sal Suds on my clothes not because my dad invented it (sorry, Pop), but because as I learned about problematic ingredients in cleaning products, I realized that any of them left on fabrics in the wash were going to spend a whole lot of time in contact with my skin, and my family’s skin. That adds up to a lot of exposure. In the video, I go into greater detail about these ingredients, but the end result was my wanting “clean” laundry cleaners, which the Pure-Castile soap and Sal Suds are.

My laundry regimen

It’s pretty is simple. For clothing, use about 1 to 1½ Tbsp. (15-22 mL) of Sal Suds or 3-4 Tbsp. (45-60 mL) of Pure-Castile Liquid soap for each large load in an HE (high efficiency) washing. Double these amounts in standard washing machines.

When I’m washing something grubbier, like towels, I might throw in a 1/4 cup (70 g) of baking soda and with the Castile, because I have hard water, I’ll add ½ cup (120 mL) of vinegar to the rinse water via the fabric softener compartment. Again, double these amounts in standard washing machines. Both the Sal Suds and Castile soap biodegrade readily and are safe for septic and greywater systems.

For the inevitable ketchup/grass/last night’s dinner on clothing, I pre-treat the stain by dabbing a small amount of Sal Suds directly on to it before washing. For broader stains, like ring-around-the-collar, I spray them with my Sal Suds All-Purpose Spray.

That’s it. I feel I should apologize for being so simple, but my laundry comes clean, the colors stay vibrantly in place, and my clothes don’t wear down unduly. I’m good with that.

Then comes the drying

Drying our clothes is probably the single harshest thing we do to them, or at least it is once we’re old enough to find that sliding on our knees on asphalt is no longer fun. The dryer shortens the life-span of our clothes, not to mention takes a tremendous amount of energy. Air-drying clothes is best for the clothes, best for your energy bills, and best for the environment.

Dr. Bronner’s in HE washing machines

While I’ve had many testimonials over the years from customers and colleagues alike about how well Dr. Bronner’s Castile and Sal Suds works in HE (high efficiency) washing machines, we now have the testing to verify this! This is important because HE washing machines use less water and as such, require detergents formulated to have low foam.

The products underwent testing by a third-party research firm and met test criteria for “acceptable HE detergent” when used at the recommended dilutions of either 1 Tbsp. Sal Suds or 2-3 Tbsp. Castile for a large load. Testing parameters included:

  • The soap/detergent suds cannot fill the machine past 1/3 of the window at any time.
  • The average cycle time cannot exceed the estimated cycle time by 15 minutes. This would indicate the machine senses excess product/suds and increases the rinse time.
  • Machine cannot initiate a “suds lock error” which would be another indicator of an abundance of suds.
  • To pass as “an acceptable HE detergent”, the test is done 4 times and must meet the criteria each time.

The three foundational pillars of my house

All this talk about laundry is part of what I rather recently realized are the three foundational pillars of my house: bed, laundry, and dishes. These three tasks control my productivity, my house’s order, and my peace of mind. When my day rolls out in front of me each morning, with its roughly 1202 undone tasks, I get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I am a naturally indecisive person – or as I prefer to say, someone who can see the value in many different possibilities. It’s paralyzing. Now I have a starting place. Make my bed, start the laundry, load the dishwasher.

Here’s why. If I do bed/laundry/dishes, then everything else falls into place, or at least it seems to, which is good enough for me. If I neglect bed/laundry/dishes and start elsewhere, then nothing seems done anywhere, regardless of what I might accomplish. At the end of the day, it looks like all I did was lay around.

I’m past the days when life seemed composed entirely of one giant pile of dirty laundry, like some sort of domestic haystack, with kids of varying sizes sliding down it. I don’t mind doing the laundry, but am far happier to have the time with the kids.

Further reading

Sal Suds cleaner shows >60% biodegradation after 28 days per ISO 14593.

Download Now!

Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?


Download Now!

Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Melissa says:

Besides the book,how did you “train your brain” to stick with no scent being the scent of clean?i find myself struggling with letting go of scent in this transition

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Melissa- I totally get it. Scents are so evocative. I find it helpful to incorporate scents of my own choosing via essential oils. If you like bright citrus scents, try lemon and sweet orange. Or perhaps pine scents say “clean” to you – go with fir needle oil. Add several drops of these to your mixtures – GIY All Purpose Spray, Vinegar Glass Cleaner, even to baking soda you use to sprinkle in to your carpets and vacuum out.

Peggy says:

I was sorry to see one ingredient I reject in Sals Suds. According to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database, SLS is a “moderate hazard” that has been linked to cancer, neurotoxicity, organ toxicity, skin irritation and endocrine disruption.
Wish they could do without it!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Peggy- Sal Suds, our household cleaner is formulated with SLS because of its keen ability to cut through grease and grime and to generate suds. Studies have consistently shown that SLS is safe to use in low concentrations and in products that are meant to be rinsed off – both of which are true of Sal Suds. SLS can be a skin irritant for some people because it can be so drying. It is so good at picking up oils that it pulls them right out of our skin. You won’t find SLS in any of our personal care products, and personal care products (shampoos, soaps, toothpaste and such) that include it should be avoided. If you have concerns about Sal Suds, our all-natural Castile soap does an excellent job of household cleaning as well. For a deeper dive into SLS, refer to my blog post here:

Lori says:

Hello Lisa, thank you so much for sharing your important messages. Dr. Bonner’s Castile Soap has been a life-saver with recent discovery of allergies. I have a true allergy to decyl-glucoside and see that is an ingredient in Sal Suds. I am concerned about using it mainly for the laundry. Given that one rinses the laundry, might it be ok to use Sal Suds (not touch the water with hand-washing, use rubber gloves)?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lori- Sal Suds is exceptionally clean rinsing so there is little chance that any decyl-glucoside would remain on the clothes. Perhaps try an extra rinse cycle, or if you want to steer clear of it, consider using the Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap, which does not contain any synthetic detergents.

Brian Baier says:

Hi Lisa
I have sensitive skin and recently had a bad case of contact dermatitis. After some detective work I got rid of all the laundry body wash and shampoo that contained cocamidopropyl betaine. I bought some sals suds and see it has coco-betaine in it should I be concerned?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Brian- I’m glad to hear you’re on the other side of this. Because Sal Suds is not for body care but for other cleaning and because it is exceptionally clean rinsing, you should not be affected by the coco-betaine. Also, Coco Betaine and Cocamidopropyl Betaine are not the same ingredient. It is very often repeated online that Coco Betaine is merely a lazy person’s way of writing Cocoamidopropyl Betaine, but this is not the case. Cocoamidopropyl betaine is the problematic one, partially because the “amidopropyl” component indicates additional petroleum fraction. Coco Betaine is made using fairly simple chemistry and biodegrades very readily in the environment. Coco refers to a surfactant derived from the fatty acids in coconut oil. Betaine is a synthetic that is identical to one found in nature, and is so named because it was first discovered in sugar beets.

John says:

Our household loves sals suds but in the past few years it seems very hit or miss to obtain (barring the pandemic), even directly from Dr. Bronners web store. I feel the need to horde it whenever I find gallons in stock. Is there a certain challenge in making it? and do you know of any more reliable places to obtain it?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi John- I’m sorry you’ve had trouble finding Sal Suds – but today it is currently in stock on our webstore. It does “fly off the shelves” though! We’ve been experiencing an increased demand in several of our products these past few months, and have had difficulty keeping several products in stock. You can also find Sal Suds in natural groceries and health stores, most often in the cleaning products section.

Dorita Sewell says:

Hi, and thanks for so many helpful ideas. I have a concern, though. Following is one of many online warnings about vinegar in washing machines, though there are more innocent recommendations to use it. To me, this is persuasive:

“Potential Seal Damage

“Vinegar is often used as a rinse aid, and therefore traces of vinegar may sit on rubber seals and surfaces for extended periods of time until the appliance is used again. Becaue vinegar is an acid, it can pit the surface of some synthetic rubber seals. Full-strength vinegar should be avoided for seals made from polyacrylate, fluorosilicone and Buna-N because vinegar may weaken them with long-term use and cause eventual failure.

“Follow Manufacturer Directions

“In most instances, diluted vinegar is safe for rubber seals because the effects of the acid are weakened. The appliance manufacturer may inform users to avoid certain chemicals, including vinegar, in the user manual.“

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dorita- Thanks for pointing this out. A half cup of vinegar is super diluted in a load, but it is always a good idea to leave the washer open to dry. This would let any remaining vinegar dry, and also lessen any potential mildew build up from lingering moisture.

Stephannie Karlsson says:

Is Sals Suds pH neutral? I have to use a pH neutral product on my floors or my warranty is voided

Anastasia Sanders says:

Hi Lisa,
My husband has been battling a staph infection so, I’ve been researching ways to disinfect laundry and surfaces naturally. I’ve read that if a product contains 80% pine oil, then it can be considered a true disinfectant (effective against staph strains and viruses). I bought a gallon of Sal Suds and am excited to get started. Can you tell me the percentage of pine oil that is in your product and share any recipes for disinfectants that are effective against staph and viruses?
Thank you for your help!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Anastasia- I’m sorry to hear that. Staph infections are so stubborn. The concentration of essential pine oil in the Sal Suds is less than 2%. We have never tested Sal Suds for killing staph, though the surfactant (cleaning) ability of the Sal Suds would remove viruses and bacteria from surfaces.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Ellen- Yes, Sal Suds works in all water temperatures.

Meg says:

For folks that are scent sensitive, do you notice that using Sal’s Suds in your laundry leaves your clothes with a pine scent? Or do they come out without a smell? Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Meg- Sal Suds is exceedingly clean rinsing. The natural spruce and fir needle essential oils that give Sal Suds it’s pine-y scent are washed away during the rinse cycle. Laundry comes out fresh and smelling like – well, clean laundry.

Rebecca says:

Hello, switching my house over to Dr. Bronners! What can I use for dishwasher detergent? Right now I use cascade gel eeekkk!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rebecca- That’s great! Welcome to the family! If you need tips on using our products, check out my cheat sheets at Unfortunately, we don’t recommend our soaps in the dishwasher. They are just too bubbly and can seep out through the seal. The Environmental Working Group ( is a great place to research alternative products. They rank them by ingredients, impact on the environment, and so on.

ts says:

I don’t like to sound repetitive, but…
For 16 + years my cleaning business has used and tried every concoction known to man kind. NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING compares to the almighty Sal Suds! Ask my clients who have been with me for 16 years!
Light to non exist fragrance
A very little goes along way
Uses on EVERYTHING (read your labels)
You can find online, grocery stores, health food stores
Side note-if you are switching from your toxic cleaners and laundry sometimes it takes time to “renew” . I always tell my clients it takes a few washes and cleanings to get all those chemicals out of their laundry and homes, but they will see their savings accounts grow saving all that money. They all love the fresh smell, brightness, sparkle & care the products give to their homes.
Thank you Mr. Bronner “We are all-one or none”

Lisa Bronner says:

We never tire of hearing it, TS! Thank you! Great note about the transition period.

Sara Patterson says:

AGREED! Just ONE of many examples, but I had an orange stain in my shower that would not come out for 3 years. I tried every. single. thing. you can think of…. nothing. I used my SalSuds all purpose cleaner and sprayed it on… it wiped off with a light wipe! Love the stuff. We are a large family of 9 and we swear by it!

Lori says:

Hi, I ordered two of the sal suds online at the Dr Bronner store. I tried posting a comment a few days ago but I didn’t get a response. I pray I do this time. I tried making my own homemade laundry detergent and washed my microfiber cloths. After one wash they would not absorb well so I ended up using a traditional laundry detergent, rewashed them and they are back to normal. I didn’t want to give up I saw your article and was encouraged. I’ve ordered the Sal suds because I would love to use it to wash my microfiber clothes and laundry. Will the Sal suds work okay to wash my microfiber cloths? I clean houses and look forward to to cleaning with it. The first time I heard of Sal suds was in a housekeeping forum I belong to. Thank you. Lori

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lori- Sal Suds works great on microfiber cloths! I responded with more detail to your previous comment. I apologize for the delay.

Lori Deal says:

I clean houses for a living. I have never tried sal suds but I will. I was curious. I recently tried making my own laundry detergent and followed a recipe that was posted by a company that makes natural soaps and toothpaste. This particular recipe called for baking soda, washing soda, Epsom salts, a grated bar of their soap and citric acid. I could not believe how after one wash my microfiber towels repeled water rather then absorbing water. Until this point, I had been using a natural fragrance-free detergent like Ecos or All. I was shocked. I cannot use them in my job like that. I ended up buying fragrance-free All and re-washing all my microfiber towels. I read one post that said a lot of homemade laundry detergent recipes can cause buildup overtime in clothes. They switched back to commercial laundry detergent because it has the enzymes in it. My first thought was to find a recipe to make my own natural detergent with plant enzymes in it. I could not find any recipes. Do you think I could just use Salsuds since it is plant-based to wash my microfiber cloths? I can’t use fabric softeners on them. I look forward to trying Salsuds. I still can’t figure out what in the recipe caused my microfiber towels to be so non-absorbent after one wash.
Thank you so much! Lori

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lori- I have a couple of guesses on what might have made your cloths non-absorbent. It could be the soap you used reacted with minerals in hard water and left a film. Or, both citric acid and Epsom salts are acidic. If the soap was alkaline, the acids would react with the bases and unsaponify the soap, leaving an oily film on the cloths. Yes, Sal Suds is fantastic for washing microfiber cloths. I do it weekly and have used the same clothes for years. I put about 3 Tbsp. Sal Suds and 1/2 c. baking soda in the washer on a hot cycle. Then I add ½ cup vinegar to the rinse cycle. If you have an HE machine, use half those amounts.

Cathy says:

Hi. I’m just getting my toes wet in trying to live greener. I’ve purchased bottles of Dr Bronner’s
almond, peppermint, and lavender liquid castile soap. I’m planning on also getting Sal Suds.
I want to use it for laundry. Seeing your advise to
add baking soda and vinegar I have a problem. I have an old basic top loader; no cups for extras. Only a
spot in front for bleach. How should i do this? Also, how would I use any of these for the dishwasher?
Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Cathy- With Sal Suds, vinegar is not that important in laundry. Castile Soap reacts with minerals in hard water which causes towels to loose their absorbency, so vinegar is crucial. Sal Suds doesn’t have that same reaction. Baking soda is optional – I use it only on particularly grimy loads – and can be poured right on top of fabrics. Unfortunately, I don’t recommend either Castile soap or Sal Suds in the dishwasher. You’ll end up with a bubble party!

Brigitta says:

Hi Lisa,

My son works at KFC and for the life of me, I cannot get his clothes clean due to all of the oil, flour etc. Would you recommend Sal Suds for this and would I need to soak the clothes first?

I love all of your products but only just started using sal suds for different things.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Brigitta- I do recommend Sal Suds, and soaking clothes beforehand is always more effective. For extra deodorizing and cleaning power, also add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash cycle, and 1 cup vinegar in the fabric softener compartment. Halve these amounts for HE machines.

Elizabeth Schendel says:

I am surprised that no one seems to know about Sal Suds. I have used it almost exclusively for laundry after I saw your video about it several years ago. But I have trouble finding it. It is sometimes at Sprouts in my area – but I always have to ask the clerk where it is and they never have any idea what it is!
I also watch a lot of You Tube cleaning videos and no one every mentions Sal Suds. I hope you can get the word out more. It is a bit pricy, but because I use such a small amount in my HE washer it lasts quite a long time.
I also LOVE the smell. I used to hate a piney smell on things (it reminded me of Pine Sol which I detest). But the pine smell of Sal Suds is like walking through a forest – great!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Elizabeth- I agree completely – more people need to know about Sal Suds!

Sal Suds Dilution Cheat Sheet | Going Green with a Bronner Mom says:

[…] Green Laundry Care with Dr. Bronner’s […]

Jennifer Boundy says:

Hi Lisa,

I am a Sal Suds fanatic (some might even say an evangelist;)!

The one place I hadn’t ever used it was in my washing machine – until today! I have a question for you: I’ve been watching the load and so far there hasn’t been any suds and the cycle is almost finished. Sal Suds typically creates a lot of suds when I use for dishes. I used 1 and a 1/2 Tbs in a front loading HE with hot soap. Is it normal not to to see any bubbles?

Thanks for all you and your family/staff do to make this world a better place!!!


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jennifer- It’s great to hear of your love for Sal Suds! As you know from using it, Sal Suds is usually exceptionally sudsy. It’s not normal to not see bubbles in the washing machine. Did you mean that you added it to the washer with hot water? If you’re adding it with another product, it might be acidic and reacting with the Sal Suds and affecting it’s suds.

Cam says:

Hi Lisa, long time reader first time commenter (had to do the cheesy joke). Was wondering if you had any opinions on wool dryer balls?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Cam- I personally don’t use wool dryer balls, but they are good for fabric softening and static reduction, and they do shorten drying time by keeping clothes separated in the dryer.

Pamula A Szymanski says:

I have a quick question. I changed from All purpose All sensitive skin. Heard about 7th generation and have been using that HOWEVER, I feel that my clothes are really fading. My son suggested using Dr. Bronner. I am all for it. Will that fix my fading problem? We all have sensitive skin so I try not to make many changes.

I appreciate your help. Yes I have a top loading HE like most of the universe. It appears you have given us a formula to use. Would I be better with Dr. Bronner or the SunSal?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Pamula- The Sal Suds is exceedingly clean rinsing – no residue to irritate sensitive skin – and slightly better at whitening. I’ve used it on my laundry for years with no fading.

Konnie Xayabouth-Jones says:

I’ve started using the Sal Suds as my exclusive all purpose cleaner. It works great and I love the smell! I’m just now getting up to speed on using it as my laundry detergent with the lavender castile soap and baking soda. Will the gallon size be available for purchase soon?!?!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Konnie- It’s great to hear you’re liking Sal Suds! Both Sal Suds and our liquid Castile soap are available in a gallon size. You can use our Store Locator to find specific Dr. Bronner’s products near you: If the product you’re looking for isn’t available near you, you can find it on our webstore at

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Reiko- We’d love to switch to a regenerative material that can be recycled or composted after its useful life has ended—however, a material that meets these goals, is organically grown, and is resilient enough for our purposes has yet to be developed. In the meantime, know that we use 100% post-consumer recycled PET plastic bottles for most of our liquid soaps, and we participate in bottle-to-bottle recycling—the recycling of used plastic bottles into new bottles, which helps conserve virgin resources and reduces landfill. We have considered glass containers, however because most of our products are used in wet and potentially slippery locations, glass is not a viable option for us.

Susan says:

I liked reading your story, made me giggle. I’m a lot like you described yourself . I strive to be organized but I have 2 men who dont, and it can make a bit crazy, thanks for your insight!

Jan says:

So if I use 1/4 cup of the castile soap per load of laundry, 1 gallon = 64 loads. That means it’s almost $1 per load of laundry?!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jan- I agree. Laundry with organic soap is pricier. Taking advantage of sales or shopping around for lower pricing can defray the cost. Alternatively, give Sal Suds a try. It’s more concentrated than Castile soap and a little bit goes a long way. Use 2-3T Sal Suds for a regular machine.

Keri Lynn says:

Hey! I’m wondering, is Sal Suds safe as a laundry detergent for newborn babies? Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Keri- It sure is! Sal Suds is effective, exceedingly clean-rinsing, and leaves no residue on fabrics, making it great for little ones’s clothing.

Washing Cloth Diapers with Sal Suds and Sunshine says:

[…] diaper manufacturers recommend less cleaning agent than you would use for normal laundry.  My recommendation for normal laundry is 2-3 (30-45 mL) Tbsp. of Sal Suds for a large load in a conventional, non-HE washer.  For […]

Brent says:

Hi Lisa,

I predominately use the Castile Soap for all my cleaning, and keep Sal Suds on hand for the car and exterior of the house. I happened to notice on the bottle of Sal Suds I bought the other day that the disclosure regarding Potassium Hydroxide is not the same as it is on the Castile Soap bottle. None remains in the Castile Soap after saponification, but that doesn’t appear to be the case with Sal Suds? I’m very curious what function the Potassium Hydroxide serves in the creation and/or use of Sal Suds.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Brent- Aha! A fellow label reader! In Sal Suds, the potassium hydroxide is used as needed as a pH balancer.

Brent says:

Interesting! Do you know the concentration used in Sal Suds? I’ve read Potassium Hydroxide can be harmful at higher concentrations.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Brent- Yes, that is true. In Sal Suds, the potassium hydroxide is added only as needed to counteract low acid. There is none leftover in the final product.

Brent says:

Oh I see! Thank you for clearing that up, although you’ve peaked my curiosity further. If none remains, why does the label not say that? Are the disclosure requirements different for Sal Suds than they are for the soaps?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Brent- With the Castile soap, its not a requirement, but we do it for consumers. It’s not been as important with Sal Suds. You’re right though, it does look like an inconsistency. I’ll mention this to the team.

Brent says:

Lisa, you rock! Thank you for taking the time to read all of these and respond. I’m a customer for life.

Adrian says:

Hi! I’m nervous to try the Sal Sud in my laundry, specially because I don’t want to use too much or too little. The quantities you’re talking are for a large load, but what’s a large load for you?

What about only 2 weeks undies (living alone)? What should I use for some shirts? I hate having this doubts, hope you can help me.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Adrian- We’re a family of 5 so I’m certain my definition of a large load of laundry is different than yours! Start with 1-2 Tbsp. per load (half that if using an HE machine). There’s no hard-and-fast rule for the amounts, so use less for a smaller load and a tad more for a grungier load. There’s no concern for toxicity if using a larger amount.

Jan H says:

Do you put the baking soda in the detergent compartment of an HE frontloading machine?
When do you put the vinegar in for the rinse?
Thanks and I can’t wait to try these products!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jan- It’s great to hear you’re using our soaps in the laundry! Baking soda will cake up in the detergent compartment over time. Instead, load the washer and sprinkle the baking soda on top of the clothes. Put the vinegar in the fabric softener compartment and it will automatically dispense during the rinse cycle.

Amy says:

Thanks for the post! Does Sal Suds tackle odors well? Especially those in athletic and/or technical fabrics? Really looking to simplify and green-up my laundry routine, but need to be able to rid clothes of odors too! Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Amy- Speaking from experience here, yes. Although for those extra grubby loads, I like to give it an extra boost by adding 1/2 cup baking soda in the wash and 1 cup vinegar in the rinse cycle. (Halve those amounts for an HE machine.)

Taylor Davidson says:

When using dr bronners with an HE washer… do you put it in the detergent compartment? Or directly into the washer?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Taylor- Pour it right in the detergent compartment. If you’re using vinegar, put that in the fabric softener compartment.

jmason says:

So, all I’d need is Sal’s Suds? I don’t need washing soda. All the DIY laundry detergent recipes I’ve seen call for washing soda. I don’t have an HE machine nor do I have hard water. How much Sal Suds should I use? 1 tablespoon?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi there- Yes! 1 Tbsp. of Sal Suds is all you need! Washing soda can wear down fabrics over time, so save that for the really grungy loads, or use 1/4 cup baking soda instead.

jmason says:

Thanks! The Pure Castile Liquid Soap appears to be easier for me to find locally than Sal Suds. Can I use that instead? If so, would I used still use 1 Tbsp. of Pure-Castile Liquid Soap? Also, does it matter which of Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap I use for laundry? I’m considering Baby Unscented and maybe peppermint.

Lisa Bronner says:

Whatever scent of Castile soap you like or have on-hand will do the trick. Because it is not as concentrated as Sal Suds, use 1/3-1/2 cup. I also suggest 1 cup of vinegar in the fabric softener compartment. You may find Sal Suds in a your natural foods stores, shelved with the household cleaners, or it can be purchased through our webstore at If you do use Sal Suds, use 2-3 Tbsp. Sal Suds. I realize I misread your previous post!

Laini Royer says:

Hi Lisa,
My order of sal suds has arrived today. I have used it before but this delivery looks different. It looks semi solidified and cloudy in colour. It is winter in Australia, is this normal?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Laini- What you’re seeing is an indication that your Sal Suds has gotten cold. It’s still safe and effective. Place the bottle in a bowl of warm – not boiling – water and that will restore it to its clear, liquid state.

Shannon says:

I love all things non-toxic and finding something effective for laundry has been a big effort. Im excited to try the Sal Suds. Does it happen to come in unscented or a different scent? Im highly sensitive to pine and the smell of it. Even in a natural form. I plan to give the bottle I just bought a try but thoughts Id ask about the scent. I could not find an unscented version but thought it was worth asking about. Thank you for ALL your articles and information.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Shannon- It never hurts to ask! However, Sal Suds is only available in the original formula, which includes natural spruce and fir needle oils. It won’t leave your laundry smelling like pine though. Sal Suds rinses exceedingly clean and the essential oils are washed away. For household cleaning, add your own essential oils to the All-Purpose Spray to personalize the scent. Peppermint, lavender, citrus… Whatever you like. Just a few drops goes a long way.

Dida says:

Dear Lisa,

What is your experience using Sal Suds on dark cotton colored clothing? I am concerned about my rich, dark colors fading. (I do not use a dryer)

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dida- It works great on colored clothing. No fading at all.

Rachel says:

Hi Lisa,
I found out that Dr. Bronner’s castile soap and baking soda removes stains from a mattress. I have young kids and I needed to get a stain (you probably know what it is!) out of my kid’s mattress. I used your castile soap with some baking soda and water and used a rag so as not to harm the mattress. The stain came out quickly with a bit of scrubbing and it smelled great, too! I think I finished the whole thing in about 15 minutes. I had tried to use other cleaners but to no avail. The mattress looks great! I could have saved many other mattresses this way! Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rachel- Excellent! What a great tip, thank you!

Estelle Stone says:

I LOVE Sal Suds!!! Of course, I love all of your other products, soaps, etc. as well. I use Sal Suds exclusively for my dishes and they have never been cleaner. I honestly don’t know what I would do without your soaps and products. Thank you for making them and for helping our environment! You show everyone that we CAN have a clean home, clothes, etc. and not have to forfeit the power of our cleaners. Keep making your amazing products!!!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Estelle- I’m so glad you’re happy with our products! It’s great to hear that you are in sync with all that we’re doing at Dr. Bronner’s.

Maggie Prasky says:

Has anyone noticed…When purchasing just about everything there is a perfume-like fabric softener odor to the product? I notice it in clothing…food packaging…the plastic bags.
I do not know what the odor is from…but…I bet it is not healthy! So…here is my question.
What will get that odor out of fabric products?
I have used combinations of Sal Suds…baking soda…vinegar…Dr. Bronner’s Castle products.
I have soaked the fabric items for hours…washed and dried using the Sanitized cycle of my HE washer and dryer.
It has taken as many as 7 processes on the items and still having a lesser odor but not always gone.
Most fabrics that come into my are 100% cotton.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Maggie- Absolutely! I’ve noticed this too. Those fragrances are meant to adhere to fabrics and such. It does take several washings to eliminate the smell entirely.

Lindsay says:

We’ve been using Sal Suds for several years now; I first got into Dr. Bronner’s products when I first got pregnant and wanted safer alternatives. My husband misses that “clean” smell of detergent, and I have to remind him that “clean” isn’t a smell (it’s chemical fragrance, honey…). I started adding some essential oils to my Suds, but it hasn’t been noticeable so far. Is this safe? Tips? Air drying has been a great addition, too. I wear a capsule wardrobe so I have very few pieces, buy several things on consignment, and thus need them to last as long as possible. The Sal Suds / air dry combo really has been a game-changer!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lindsay- Sal Suds does such a great job picking up “things” that it’s also picking up the essential oils in your laundry. Add a sachet to drawers and closets for a little scent.

Chelsea L says:

How much Sal Suds should I use for my HE front loader washing machine??

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Chelsea- Use 1 to 1 1/2 Tablespoons Sal Suds. For grubbier loads, like towels, I sometimes add baking soda to the wash and/or vinegar to the rinse cycle via the fabric softener compartment. For an HE machine, use 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup of these, respectively.

Linda says:

Thanks for the post, as I’ve been diagnosed with adult-onset asthma and am trying to reduce my exposure to chemicals. Where can I obtain the pump that fits the Sal Suds bottle and dispenses 2 Tbsp. per pump?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Linda- I don’t have a specific recommendation. I ordered mine online.

Abigail Defreitas says:

Hi Lisa,

Is Sal Suds safe to use while pregnant, more specifically in the first trimester? I’m trying to be really careful about the things I use! I bought a gallon bottle to use as my laundry detergent and for other cleaning uses around the house.
Is it also gentle enough to use as laundry detergent on newborn clothes?

Using Sal Suds in the Laundry says:

[…] Take a look at my 2019 update of this video: Green Laundry Care with Dr. Bronner’s. […]

Stephanie says:

Any solution for getting the “rancid oil” smell from sheets? I use oil after my shower and the lingering oil gets on the sheets (no matter how long I wait for it to absorb). After several washings (I only use Sal Suds!) and dryings it seems to be stuck in the fabric. I’ve tried soaking in vinegar then in baking soda but nothing has worked.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Stephanie- I checked with my massage therapist friend on this one, who recommends baking soda and vinegar. Sal Suds really is exceedingly good at eliminating odors and stains, so I recommend spraying the area first with a dilution of water and 25% Sal Suds. Let it soak in. Then wash with Sal Suds in hot water, using baking soda in the wash cycle and vinegar in the rinse cycle. Hopefully that combo will knock out the odor.

Jennifer says:

I spend a lot of time reading on a WIDE variety of subjects, one of which is cleaning products.

I learned long ago that the cleaning products that I was using were highly toxic.

My first clue, was that when I sprayed the cleaner the fumes made me cough uncontrollably for a minute or more.

Then I discovered Dr Bronners!!

The cleaning products cabinet in my home consists of basically:
Sal Suds
Dr Bronners Liquid Castile Soap
A LARGE bag of Baking Soda
A gallon jug of where vinegar
And finally Arn & Hammer Laundry Booster, Super Washing Soda

From those few products I make up everything that I need to clean my house and clothes.

I completely agree with Lisa Bronners about the toxicity of cleaning and personal care products!!

If everyone knew the toxic ingredients that were in the laundry products and fabric softeners that they were using, they would never use them.

And every time you breathe in that wonderful smell from the detergent, dryer sheets or other cleaning products that you use, what you are breathing in is a HUGE AMOUNT of toxic chemicals that make up the “fragrance” in both of those products!!!

The ingredients in anything on the label as “fragrance” are some of the most toxic ingredients you use in your home, and since the manufacturer does not have to disclose those ingredients you will never just know how toxic they really are!!!

Thank you Dr Bronners for making such great and safe products,
and thank you Lisa Bronner for all of the information that you provide for us on!!

Dida says:

I am the same! I have all of that with the addition of Bon Ami scrub for my stainless steel sink and for tough stains. All of these are such wonderful products!

Rachel says:

I love using Sal suds in the laundry! I’m a massage therapist so laundry is always happening at my house. I usually use a cookie-dough scoop to pour the suds into the washer, but do you have a method that works well for you? I’m afraid if I eyeball it I will use too much (I’ve made that mistake before! Sooo many bubbles!) Do you think you guys would ever do laundry pods? Thank you for all your great information!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rachel- I have a pump in my Sal Suds bottle next to my washing machine that I know dispenses 1 ounce (2 Tbsp.) of Sal Suds per pump. That makes it really easy. And no, I don’t think we’ll ever do laundry pods.

Valerie says:

Thank you Lisa ,I love using Dr Bronner ‘s I love the way it’s smells and cleans ?♥️

Patti says:

Thank you! Great article. Refreshingly honest. I too have found sal suds to be extremely useful for washing clothes, out of necessity to try and remove a coffee stain on tablecloth. Now it is my go-to.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Patti- It’s great to hear that Sal Suds saved your tablecloth!

Pretreating Laundry Stains with Dr. Bronner's (Video) says:

[…] To see how I do laundry, see my post, “Green Laundry Care with Dr. Bronner’s.” […]

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?


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Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!