Dr. Bronner's

Sal Suds or Castile Soap – Which to Use?

sal suds or castile soap

I talk a lot about the exceeding versatility of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap and Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds. There are so many overlapping uses. But is there any time in which they aren’t interchangeable? Yes, but just a few.

Castile soap is primarily designed for the body. The blend of oils (coconut, olive, palm, jojoba, and hemp seed) are designed to be the most nourishing to our skin. But wait, there’s more. Because it is such a beautifully simple soap, it also cleans many other things amazingly well, whether it’s your dog, your sinks, or your floors. You can find details of all these uses on this Castile Soap Dilutions Cheat Sheet.

Because Castile soap is a true soap, it reacts with the minerals contained in hard water. (Here’s my test to find out if you have hard water.) The more dissolved minerals there are, the “harder” the water. The reaction of soap with these minerals in the water leaves behind an insoluble film that’s commonly called “soap scum”. This term is a bit of a misnomer, because it’s not actually soap that remains, but a precipitate of minerals.

You’ll only notice this on shiny objects that are left to air dry. They will take on a whitish film. (Read my post on eliminating soap scum.) Also, absorbent fabrics like towels and cloth diapers will become stiff and lose their absorbency. (But laundry in hard water is still doable – Read more here.)

Enter Sal Suds. This is our household cleaner developed by my dad. Sal Suds doesn’t react with hard water. It rinses cleanly and leave surfaces sparkling. No more film on the tub or towels! For it’s multitude of uses, see the Sal Suds Dilution Cheat Sheet.

That’s all well and good, but I haven’t answered that initial question of what to use when.

Situations where I exclusively use Castile Soap

  • Myself – Head to toe.
  • My animals – Any Castile soap scent on my dog. However, avoid using Tea Tree as the oil can be toxic to animals. Baby Unscented on my cat.
  • Pest Control – Only Castile soap has this ability to eliminate insects.

Situations where I exclusively use Sal Suds:

  • Dishes
  • Cars
  • Most Laundry – sometimes, as with bedding, I use Castile soap.

Other than these few cases, I reach for whichever is closer at hand.

Now you know what to use, but perhaps you want to know why?

Soap and detergent are both surfactants. The word “surfactant” is a portmanteau of “Surface Active Agent.” If you’ve ever done a belly flop into a pool, then you’ve felt the power of surface tension. Surfactants break through the surface tension of water and make water really soak in.

My brother Mike says: Surfactants make water wetter.

The second magical power of surfactants is that they make oil and water coexist. Which they don’t otherwise like to do. This is why you can’t just rinse oil off your hands. The water runs over the oil like it’s just not there. And it just doesn’t care.

Now brace yourselves – you’re about to learn some Greek!

Surfactants solve the oil/water repulsion because one end of each surfactant molecule is hydrophilic and the other end is hydrophobic.

Hydrophilic literally means “water (hydro) loving (philic).” This end of the surfactant molecule grabs hold of water. On the other side, hydrophobic means “water (hydro) fearing (phobic).” A little exaggerated perhaps, but this end grabs the oil.

But we’re not talking about just one. Surfactant molecules work in groups. In a solution, they float around looking for oil molecules and snag with those hydrophobic tails, totally surrounding each oil molecule so there’s no part of the oil molecule left exposed to water. This little nugget is called a micelle.

The outside of this micelle is now entirely hydrophilic, which means instant attraction to the passing rinse water which carries it all away.

It’s like they’re filling those oil molecules with a whole lotta love and reaching out and connecting them with their former enemy, those water molecules. And once they’re connected, they realize it’s not so bad. They can get along. They can hang out together. I think there’s a larger lesson here.

You still with me?

So they’re both surfactants. Now for some differences.

Soap is close to nature, made by a beautifully efficient one-step reaction of combining oil (coconut, palm, olive, jojoba, and hemp for our Castile) with a strong alkali such as sodium or potassium hydroxide (the first also known as lye). Out of this combo, you get soap, glycerin and water. Bam! No leftovers. No waste. Beautiful.

Detergents are more complex and must be synthesized. They were developed during the World Wars when the oils needed for soap were scarce. They can start with botanical substances (such as coconut oil for our Sal Suds) or with petroleum derivatives. And the uses of detergents is vast and wide.

Tidy as it would be, I can’t sum it all up by saying, “Soap good. Detergent bad.” That would be a gross oversimplification. There are bad soaps (not ours, of course) that are poorly made with bits of unreacted alkali floating around in them ready to saponify your very body. You become a walking bar of soap. Ouch!

And there are excellent detergents, such as our Sal Suds, which is super duper tough on grease and completely clean rinsing, yet mild, readily biodegradable.

So that’s a little bit more about the magic of cleaning and the beauty of chemistry.

Further reading

Sal Suds cleaner shows >60% biodegradation after 28 days per ISO 14593.

This use and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.  

Download Now!

Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


Download Now!

Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?


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Andrea says:

Which one is better for cleaning up and removing the odor from cat urine? Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Andrea- I’ve been there too, and Sal Suds works well for cleaning up dried cat urine. To clean up dried spots, wet the area with a wet cloth, then spray with the Sal Suds All-Purpose spray of 1 Tbsp. Sal Suds in a quart of water – enough to get it wet, but don’t saturate the spot. Scrub the carpet with the wet cloth. Use a second wet cloth and scrub the carpet some more to remove all the Sal Suds.

Andrea says:

Thanks for replying. Sometimes my cats spray or pee (standing up) walls, appliances, countertops, etc. Will this remove stain and smell (and all the urine so nothing returns) on those surfaces as well? Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Andrea- Sal Suds will remove wet cat urine. It’s especially effective at picking up residual odors on hard surfaces – appliances, countertops and such. Of course, the sooner it is cleaned up, the better.

Sharon says:

Which would be better for cleaning old cat urine and removing the smell? Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sharon- Speaking from experience, Sal Suds is my go-to to get cat urine off of carpets. Wet the dried spot with a wet cloth, then spray with the Sal Suds All-Purpose spray of 1 Tbsp. Sal Suds in a quart of water – enough to get it wet, but don’t saturate the spot. Scrub the carpet with the wet cloth. Use a second wet cloth and scrub the carpet some more to remove all the Sal Suds.

Dora DeRossett says:

What is the shelf life of the Castile soap? I want to try all of them but I know it will take me years to use it all up 🙂

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dora- About three years. After that, the essential oils in the formula may begin to lose potency/strength and smell weaker, but the soap is still effective. That gives you some good time to try a few and find your favorites!

Roxanne Silva says:

I’ve recently started making my own laundry soap using these ingredients:
2 gallons water
3/4 cup Super Washing Soda
3/4 cup Baking Soda
1 cup castile soap

Would you suggest using the same at ratio of ingredients but substitute ing cells suds for the one cup of castille soap? Or would you suggest only using sells soap? Or do you have any other suggestions for me?

Thank you in advance

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Roxanne- Sal Suds is about 2x more concentrated than Castile soap, so use half as much of it in your recipe. Sal Suds is slightly better at whitening and brightening whites than Castile soap, especially if you have hard water. Just a caution here that washing soda is tough on fabrics, causing them to wear out more quickly. Since washing soda and baking soda do the same thing (and are very similar chemically), you don’t need both. Save the washing soda for your really grungy laundry. I’ll be posting an updated laundry video in the next couple of months, so keep an eye out for that.

Ellie says:

Hi. Which is best to use for hand washing wool sweaters, lingerie, or any clothing for hand washing? Castile soap or sal suds?

Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Ellie – As long as the item’s label says is can be washed (vs. dry clean only), you can use a mild dilution of either Castile soap or Sal Suds. For a sinkful of cold water, use about a capful in total of the Castile soap in the sink, or just a few drops of the Sal Suds. Let the garment soak for 10 minutes or so before rinsing.

Sue Hamilton says:

I just had new flooring, natural linoleum (Marmoleum), installed. The care instructions say use the Forbo (manufacturer) PH Neutral cleaner. Is Sal Suds PH Neutral?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sue – Sal Suds is alkaline, not pH neutral. Usually the concern with flooring is choosing a cleaner that is not acidic, which Sal Suds is not. If you want to give the Sal Suds a try, test it an inconspicuous corner first.

Morrell Alvin says:

Castile soap is so versatile! I use it in some of my DIY cleansers, but I had no idea you could use it for beauty products too. It’s produced from vegetables, so it’s original, and it’s concentrated, so a little goes a long way! So, really this is a excellent money saving DIY too. Face washes can be pretty pricey.

Ditch the Antibacterial: Soap is All You Need says:

[…] need to be. Surfactants, such as Castile Soap and Sal Suds, remove germs and bacteria, as well as dirt and grease.  Again, they don’t kill.  They remove all manner of dirt and germs and grease and other ickies […]

Grease Cutting Liquid Dish Soap | Her Humble Life says:

[…] for further reading, here is a great article written by Lisa Bronner that explains the differences between Sal Suds and […]

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Fletcher – Silk sheets need a gentle, clean rinsing detergent, which is exactly what our Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner is. You’ll just need a tablespoon or so.

Arlene Stewart says:

Can you use Sal Suds to wash hair to remove a build-up of hairs products?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Arlene – Sal Suds is our all-purpose household cleaner and we don’t recommend it for hair and skincare. To remove product build-up, give the Castile soap a try as its designed for the body and hair.

Beth says:

I came across a non-toxic DIY no scrub shower cleaner recipe online – it uses half vinegar, and half Sal’s Suds. I’m wondering, is there any reason to not mix the Sal’s Suds with vinegar?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Beth – There is no issue mixing Sal Suds and vinegar – although you wouldn’t want to mix vinegar and our Castile soap. However, Sal Suds is very concentrated and I always dilute it, so this particular ratio gives me pause. If you’re looking to clean soap scum, you may want to check out this post: or for the many recipes and uses of Sal Suds, here’s a link to the Sal Suds cheat sheet:

Mary says:

Hello, I just bought a bottle of the Sal Suds because of all of the comments I read about it being natural. Well, I started reading the ingredient section and now I am not sure I want to use it. The ingredient, SLS does not sound safe. It may even be carcinogenic according to the label, if not used according to directions. That’s not something I want to risk.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Mary – It’s great that you pay close attention to ingredients. There’s quite a bit of confusion about SLS – in fact, I wrote a blog post about it that will provide you with more information than I can cover here. But in a nutshell, SLS has been targeted by false marketing. There are claims that SLS is carcinogenic, because it supposedly creates nitrosamines, but since it contains neither a nitrogen nor an amino group, this is chemically impossible. It can be very drying to skin, however, and we only include it in Sal Suds, our household cleaner, and not any of our personal care products. It’s worth noting that the Cosmetics Safety Database gives it a 1-2 in their hazard rankings (, which is one of the lowest (least harmful) rankings. Having said all that, SLS is a synthetic ingredient, so if you’re looking for an all-natural product, our Castile soaps are made entirely from pure plant oils and do a great job of cleaning. Here’s is my blog post on SLS: I hope this clears up your concerns.

Robbie says:

I recently made liquid laundry soap with Hemp Baby unscented Castile soap, Baking Soda, Salt and hot water. I have a regular top loading washer. This recipe does not produce any suds at all. I also made bubble bath with this Castile soap and vegetable glycerin, again No suds. Did I do something wrong or does the baby soap variety not suds up? Thank you for any insight.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Robbie – Your suspicion is correct. The Baby Unscented Castile does not suds up as much as our scented soaps because it contains double the amount of olive oil. Bubbles are not an indicator of cleaning power, so rest assured that it is doing it’s job. If you’d like more suds, but also something mild, try our Lavender or Orange Castile soap.

Nancy says:

I’m currently making my own laundry detergent, but would like something less labor intensive. Sal Suds seems like a great option. Unfortunately, I’m allergic to pine, so I worry about the fir and spruce oils that are in the soap. Pine, spruce and fir are all evergreeens. Any experience with allergies?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Nancy – Allergies are no fun and I can certainly understand your concern. If you have an allergist you can run your question by, you’d get a more definitive answer, but here are a few thoughts… Most people with pine allergies are sensitive to the tree’s pollen or pine nuts. If that’s the case for you, you most likely would not have a reaction to the essential oil used in our Sal Suds. However, you could test this by dabbing a drop of diluted Sal Suds on your inner arm to see if you have a reaction. Or, if you want to err on the side of caution, you can use our Castile soap in your laundry. I typically do this for our bedding, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be your go-to laundry soap. Just remember that if you have hard water, you’ll want to use a vinegar rinse. You’ll find the recipe on my post from a few years ago:

Nancy says:

Great idea to test it on my arm…that’s what I do with new essential oils. I love your castile soap products and hopefully, I will be able to extend that to Sal Suds. Thank you!

Seth says:

Ive seen several videos on YouTube of people using Neem & Sal Suds as an insect pesticide in the garden. I also see some folks using the Castile Peppermint version instead. Which is best for use in the garden as an insect spray?


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Seth – The Castile, as a true soap, has the ability on its own to kill insects that it touches. Sal Suds does not do this as well. I would opt for the Castile. As far as Neem oil, I know that the plant absorbs it so that it works systemically. However, I am not familiar with the details of how it works and have never used it. Good luck!

Haven White says:

Hi Lisa! This year I had my hardwood floors refinished. Instead of using standard polyurethane, the company I hired used a non-toxic, water-based acrylic finish. They told me that I have to use a very mild ph neutral cleaner, because the finish is more delicate than a polyurethane finish. The flooring company even recommends avoiding using too much water by misting the solution onto the floor & then immediately wiping it up with a microfiber mop.

In my research online, both diluted mild dish soap & Dr. Bronners were recommended as ph neutral bases for a cleaning solution. Would you recommend the original Castile soap or Sal Suds for this application?


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Haven – Both the Castile and Sal Suds have a mildly alkaline pH. I think they would be safe on an acrylic finish. I would choose the Sal Suds although both would work well. I agree with the installers that your greatest enemy would be the water itself. Their recommendation of misting and mopping sounds like a good one. I use a reusable microfiber pad on a flat head mop for my hardwood floors.

Alisa Schaeffer says:

Hi Lisa,

Can either product be added to water to wash hardwood floors? If so, what would the ratios be?

Thanks so much!


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Alisa – Yes, both work great on hardwood floors. For the Castile, try 1/4 c. in a couple gallons of water. For the Sal Suds, try 1 Tbsp. in a couple gallons of water.

Danielle says:

Hi Lisa,

What are your thoughts of SLS being considered dangerous in organic cleaners?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Danielle – Short and sweet – SLS should not be in organic cleaners. Any cleaner that is making organic claims, but contains SLS is trying to lead you astray. Now, all that being said, I do not think SLS is as dangerous as a lot of marketing hype makes it out to be. In fact, I’ve written a post about it: There is no Cancer Risk from SLS. It is an exceptionally effective cleaner and it is the first active ingredient in our Sal Suds. While it does not cause cancer, or any other deadly malady, it can be very drying to the skin and should not be in any body care product. It should not be products making organic claims either because it can’t be organic. It is synthesized, and organic ingredients must be minimally derived from botanicals. Because there is so little oversight, however, in both the personal care and the house cleaner industry, many products make a lot of false or misleading claims on their products. But that’s another soapbox.

Leo Smith says:

I use Sal’s Suds for dishes and housecleaning tasks, and I use the castile soaps in the shower. Both are great products which have proved their mettle. But in this moment i want to know which one should I use to wash my baby’s clothes? Your answer is greatly appreciate. Thanks for the sharing such a great article.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Leo – I recommend the Sal Suds for baby clothes. It has a slight edge over the Castile in rinsability, and is slightly better at stain fighting – which you do a lot when you have babies!

A couple videos I did that might be helpful include Pretreating Laundry Stains and Washing Cloth Diapers.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kay – Yes, it’s completely clean-rinsing and free of dyes or artificial fragrances. It’s great, too, at removing all those stubborn stains!

Kay says:

Thanks for getting back to me. Would you suggest that for baby clothes instead of the unscented castile soap?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kay – Yes, I recommend the Sal Suds over the Baby Castile. It is slightly more effective on those tough baby stains. You can apply it undiluted to the stains as well. The Unscented Baby Castile is fantastic, too, and if you are looking for an option with organic oils, it can’t be beat. Because the Sal Suds is a detergent (more synthesized), it can’t be considered organic.

Alma Gonzalez says:

Hi Lisa. I am a house cleaner and I would like to know if sal suds removes hard water spots from showers and tubs, especially from showers glass. if so How can I use it for that?
In a facebook groups people recommend to use sal suds mixing with vinegar, is that safe to use and does that mix work to remove hard water stains?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Alma – I apologize for my delayed response. It’s really the vinegar more than the Sal Suds that will remove straight water spots. It’s the acidity of the vinegar that does the job. However, if you want to remove those water spots and clean the surface in one go, Sal Suds combined with the vinegar is a good option.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Shauna – Sal Suds is formulated for household care, which means that its top priority is grabbing grime and rinsing clean. It is not designed to nourish skin, and can be drying. It certainly isn’t harmful to come into contact with the skin, but for frequent handwashing, I recommend our Castile or Organic Sugar Soaps instead.

Jerri says:

Hi Lisa,

In regards to laundry, using the Sal Suds I believe would be best as I work on the road and I’m constantly doing laundry on my travels. So there is no way to know if I’m using soft or hard water.

My question is Im a faithful user of Woolite laundry detergent for dark clothes and colors and for its promise to keeping clothes newer longer in terms of fading and material stretching, I currently use the castile soaps for bodycare and want to make the more natural change for laundry… is the Sal Suds safe in all these areas? I would probably end up using the vinegar rinse as well to ensure proper rinsing of my moisture wicking clothes.


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jerri – Yes, the Sal Suds is great at preserving color and lengthening the life of clothes. You may know this, but the dryer can be the biggest culprit in shortening clothing life – fading colors and ruining elasticity. If you can air dry your clothes, they will last longer. The vinegar isn’t as necessary with Sal Suds. It is very clean rinsing on its own, but it doesn’t hurt either. Your call.

Donna says:

Does castile leave a scent on bedding. I mostly use Sal’s and like how it doesnt leave a scent on our clothes but I woud like a light scent on my bedding. Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Donna – The Castile doesn’t leave a super strong scent on your bedding. A couple ideas for getting more of a lingering scent, and this could be done with either the Castile or the Sal Suds – use the vinegar in the fabric softener compartment and add about 20 drops of your favorite essential oil (alter the number of drops as you like), or take a flannel cloth and sprinkle 20 drops or so of an essential oil on it and add it to your dryer with the sheets.

Mary says:

I have granite counter tops and the installer said to avoid any cleaners that are acidic (such as vinegar and water). Which is safer for granite: Sal Suds or the Liquid Castile Soap?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Mary – Neither the Sal Suds nor the Castile are acidic. Both would be perfectly safe. Go with whichever you have or like better. I use both on my granite.

Kerri says:

Could you provide a conversion for switching out one for the other in a recipe?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kerri – Sal Suds is more concentrated than Castile soap. If the recipe calls for Castile, use less than half the amount of Sal Suds. If the recipe calls for Sal Suds, double it or so for Castile.

Margarita Cramer says:

Just enjoyed reading this post and all the great comments! I just used Sal Suds on a RED WINE stain on one of my dinning room cushions. The stain was dried. I put a dash of Sal Suds on an old toolbrush and gently rubbed it until the stain disappeared in a matter of minutes. Then, removed residue with a cloth. Love it! I just sent you pictures before and after. I am seriously enjoying Sal Suds and just love the fact that is so natural! Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Thanks so much for sharing here, Margarita! And I’m glad your cushion was saved by Sal Suds!

Darcy Matthews says:

I have been a Dr. Bronner’s disciple for decades! They are the only products I use in my home. About 2 yrs ago, I was introduced to magnets for the clothes washer and how they enable water to penetrate fabrics, much like Sal Suds. I know use both and are very happy with the results. I learned about the magnets on Water Liberty.

Grady Knowles says:

I use Sal’s Suds for dishes and housecleaning tasks, and I use the castile soaps in the shower. Both are great products which have proved their mettle. However, I’m even more impressed and grateful for your steady commitment to sustainability and supporting our ecosystem. Your recent investment in extensive solar panels and sustainable landscaping at your production facility is stunning, and an undeniable working blueprint for commercial properties everywhere. You’re again transcending the role of public advocacy, and personally investing (and building) to make the changes real and observable. This delivers not only the inspiration so needed by others, but the undeniable results over time that so many will depend on before becoming brave enough to follow suit. Change can actually occur when people like you step out first lead the way. Bravo!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Grady – Wow! I’m bowled over by your kind words! I’m so glad to hear that you are in sync with all that we’re doing at Dr. Bronner’s. If we all do what we can, where we are, however big or small, we will indeed change the world.

Andrea says:

Which one should I use to wash my baby’s clothes? I was gonna buy the Castile soap BabynUnscented but now I’m thinking I should do the Sal Suds instead? Please help this new momma to be. Thank you.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Andrea – Congratulations! I found that baby related stains were no joke. Whether it was poop or spit up or baby food, wow, there’s a lot of things that stain. Because of this, I suggest the Sal Suds. It is slightly better at tackling those stains. You can even apply it straight on the stain. And if you opt to go the cloth diaper route, it is exceptional at cleaning those, too. One more tip: I highly recommend our Unscented Magic Balm for baby skin. It works great to prevent diaper rash, or on those little angry red lines they get in their chubby creases and it helps alleviate baby eczema. Let me know if any other questions arise!

Andrea says:

Thank you! So much for taking the time to reply my question. Funny you mentioned the baby balm, I had purchased it already and had it ready for when baby came, I’ve been using it as you suggested and I’m happy with it. You mentioned it works on baby eczema, do you know if it would be any good for ezcema on adults? Thank you ?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Andrea – I would recommend it for adult acne as well. It would probably be best as an overnight treatment.

Danielle says:

I would LOVE to use Sal Suds on my laundry, etc., etc., but I cannot tolerate any strong scents. I know you only have the scented version available, but if you ever offer an unscented option I will be “All In”!

Lisa Bronner says:

The scent in the Sal Suds is much milder than what you find in our scented Castile Soaps. We will definitely get the word out to you if we release a fully unscented Sal Suds!

Rich Mikesell says:

First, I’d like to say that I love Dr. Bronner’s products! Second, I’d like to ask, is it really necessary to use palm oil in your products? Much of the destruction of rain forests is for the planting of palm oil trees, which is not really healthy for our habitat.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rich – I am very glad you have brought up this important issue. The irresponsible production of palm oil has been truly decimating to animal habitat and the environment. We share your concern. The vast majority of palm oil used in food and body care products is sourced from southeast Asia with devastating results. I am happy to say that there are ways to produce palm oil that do not have this impact. In searching for options, we partnered with small scale farmers in Ghana and founded Serendipalm, a sister companies, that is producing palm oil in a way that promotes health not only to the environment and farmers but also to the communities around it. Please read more about it here:

And here’s a video of our work in Ghana Sustainable Palm Oil: The Difference Fair Trade Makes.

Rich Mikesell says:

Thank you Lisa for your response. I read about Serendipalm and watched the video. It does seem that you acquire palm oil from a sustainable source. Good to know!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Carla – While the ingredients in Sal Suds are much less harsh than what you find in many a conventional body cleanser, it is the Castile soap that should be your shower buddy. 🙂

Ken Melcombe says:

Thank you Lisa for sharing. I’ve learned. I’ve been a Dr. Bronner product user for over a decade. I use Sals suds for the car and the peppermint soap in the bathroom…. Though haven’t used Sals for the laundry. Now I will. More over….im so glad you have kept your company and haven’t sold out.
Your dad would be proud.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Ken – Thank you so very much for your kind words. It is an honor and a pleasure to continue my family’s legacy.

Cheyann Turner says:

I’ve been using your peppermint Castile soap to clean my bath tub and toilet for YEARS!! Works great!

jewette noor doumbia says:

Peace and love, started reading dr bronners labels at age 19, i am now 65, still using it and depend on it. My questionis in regards to using mint fragrance to repel mice. I use peppermint soap but its a bit pricey for whole house cleaning and deoderizing. What is the most economical way to use this product and maintain that wonderful mint aroma and repel mice. Do you have any ideas.
Thanks and God bless you, Jewette Noor Doumbia
P.S. your fathers words helped guide me in my quest to find God and truth.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jewette – I am so glad our products and my grandfather’s words have been such a blessing to you. You can make a very economical housecleaning spray from our Peppermint Castile by diluting 1/4 c. of soap in 1 qt. of water in a spray bottle. You could even buy an a small bottle of pure Peppermint Essential oil and add about 10 drops to the spray bottle to increase that lovely minty smell.

Mary Redman says:

Hi Lisa, I’m a chemist and a tech writer. I pretty much knew all these facts but still found your article an enjoyable read.

The one on washing bedding with soap instead of detergent is also great.

Two suggestions for the future are: real soap vs. antibacterial detergent (like most liquid ‘hand soaps’) and the results of using different alkalis in soap-making.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Mary – Fantastic! I very much appreciate input from experts such as yourself. We are thinking along the same lines and I have a post coming soon called, “The Antibacterial Debate”. I briefly touch on the differences in alkalis in explaining the difference between our Bar and Liquid Castiles. I welcome any further elaboration you can provide.

Al Bishop says:

Love Sals Soap! Have not been able to purchase for quite awhile,every time I visit your site Sals is out of stock. Primarily use as a floor cleaner, alltypes of surfaces. Devotee of Castile in the shower,told a fair skinned friend how peppermint soap got rind of a sun caused lesion on my cheek,and he’s been using ever since. As I like to say, Dr Bs cures cancer.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Al – We did have a shortfall for a while as demand for Sal Suds exceeded our expectations, but we’re fully stocked now! I guess the word has been getting out, thanks to customers like yourself! The 32 oz. are even 15% off on our website this month (free shipping at $35), so stock up! While curing cancer might be beyond us, our products can definitely make life healthier and happier!

Steven says:

Thank you for your explaining the scum and haze we’ve noticed on our bathroom fixtures, now that we’ve moved from a house without soft water to one with hard water. Do you have also an explanation for the yellow tint we get on fiberglass (plastic) surfaces, such as our laundry sink and shower base? Is it the coconut oil?

Thank you,


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Steve – I think the yellow tint is also soap scum. The coconut oil is completely saponified (turned into soap), so it is not a residue. Use the tips in the Scum, Scum Go Away post to treat it.

Wendy says:

I have two questions.
Is there a version of Sal Suds that is completely scent free? I would love one.
I have a washer that requires HE detergent. Can I use Sal Suds in the machine, and if so how much?
Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Wendy – We only have the one formulation of Sal Suds, and it does contain fir needle oil and spruce leaf oil which adds a scent. It works well in HE machines. Just add 1 Tbsp. of the Suds.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Tammie – I use Sal Suds much more than Castile for a couple reasons – I have hard water and with SAl Suds I don’t need the extra step of adding vinegar to the rinse water. Sal Suds is slightly more effective at stain removal and with three kids, I have lots of those. Sal Suds is even more concentrated than the Castile soap and so I need half the amount or less. Here’s a more recent post on laundry:

Janice Duran says:

How about summing up the uses for both on a new “Cheat Sheet”, similar to the Castile Cheat Sheet, but listing both products?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Janice – This is a great idea. I will look into this!

Margaret says:

Thank you for explaining something I’ve wanted to know and understand for about fifty years!!!


Thank you so much for this information. That helps me to know when to use these products. There is one more thing that I would like for you to explain in another “blog” sometime. What happens when a water softening agent is used with the castile soaps? Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jalene – I will look into your question. I don’t know the answer off the top of my head. Is there a specific water softening agent that you are thinking of?

Tam Martinides Gray says:

We have a gray water system for irrigating plants; we use Sal Suds and one other cleanser for washing clothes and general cleaning. I actually used a solution of water and Sal Suds to quickly expel ants when they invade our house as they did recently during the time we experienced a mild episode of the raining down of ash from Nap and Sonoma. We’re great fans of these products and have been for several decades.

Lisa Bronner says:

It’s great to hear of your experience with our products in gray water systems. That is on my list of things to research. And great tip on the ants, too! I’m glad to hear that you are safe from the fires. The ash clouds have been extremely widespread.

Rita Bloom says:

Good Morning,

First, thanks for all your information. You’ve been making my life simpler. I have a question about using Sal Suds in the laundry. I use one tablespoon for a full load of t-shirts, which seems to be enough because the wash comes out clean, then they are hung up to dry so they’ll last longer. However, the shirts that are like a sportswear fabric to wick sweat will dry with streaks of white or dots that look like they are spaced like the washer holes. This doesn’t happen to the non-sportswear shirts. I can remove them with water, but it’s an extra step. Any idea as to the cause and is there something I can do about it? I’ve tried adding Sal Suds after there is water in the washer tub, but that doesn’t take care of it. Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rita – I recommend adding vinegar to the rinse water. You can do this by adding it to the fabric softener compartment at the beginning. The washer won’t release it until the rinse cycle. This will help eliminate any suds that might be left on the fabrics. A second rinse cycle is another option, but I agree that the fewer steps, the better.

Phil Allamong says:

May I reproduce all or part of this article for our newsletter or to use on-line for our store. We have been selling Dr
Bronner’s for years. Thanks in advance.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Phil – Definitely! Please reference the source. Thank you!

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?