Dr. Bronner's

Sal Suds or Castile Soap – Which to Use?

sal suds or castile soap

I talk a lot about the exceeding versatility of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap and Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds. There are so many overlapping uses. But is there any time in which they aren’t interchangeable? Yes, but just a few.

Castile soap is primarily designed for the body. The blend of oils (coconut, olive, palm, jojoba, and hemp seed) are designed to be the most nourishing to our skin. But wait, there’s more. Because it is such a beautifully simple soap, it also cleans many other things amazingly well, whether it’s your dog, your sinks, or your floors. You can find details of all these uses on this Castile Soap Dilutions Cheat Sheet.

Because Castile soap is a true soap, it reacts with the minerals contained in hard water. (Here’s my test to find out if you have hard water.) The more dissolved minerals there are, the “harder” the water. The reaction of soap with these minerals in the water leaves behind an insoluble film that’s commonly called “soap scum”. This term is a bit of a misnomer, because it’s not actually soap that remains, but a precipitate of minerals.

You’ll only notice this on shiny objects that are left to air dry. They will take on a whitish film. (Read my post on eliminating soap scum.) Also, absorbent fabrics like towels and cloth diapers will become stiff and lose their absorbency. (But laundry in hard water is still doable – Read more here.)

Enter Sal Suds. This is our household cleaner developed by my dad. Sal Suds doesn’t react with hard water. It rinses cleanly and leave surfaces sparkling. No more film on the tub or towels! For it’s multitude of uses, see the Sal Suds Dilution Cheat Sheet.

That’s all well and good, but I haven’t answered that initial question of what to use when.

Situations where I exclusively use Castile Soap

  • Myself – Head to toe.
  • My animals – Any Castile soap scent on my dog. However, avoid using Tea Tree as the oil can be toxic to animals. Baby Unscented on my cat.
  • Pest Control – Only Castile soap has this ability to eliminate insects.

Situations where I exclusively use Sal Suds:

  • Dishes
  • Cars
  • Most Laundry – sometimes, as with bedding, I use Castile soap.

Other than these few cases, I reach for whichever is closer at hand.

Now you know what to use, but perhaps you want to know why?

Soap and detergent are both surfactants. The word “surfactant” is a portmanteau of “Surface Active Agent.” If you’ve ever done a belly flop into a pool, then you’ve felt the power of surface tension. Surfactants break through the surface tension of water and make water really soak in.

My brother Mike says: Surfactants make water wetter.

The second magical power of surfactants is that they make oil and water coexist. Which they don’t otherwise like to do. This is why you can’t just rinse oil off your hands. The water runs over the oil like it’s just not there. And it just doesn’t care.

Now brace yourselves – you’re about to learn some Greek!

Surfactants solve the oil/water repulsion because one end of each surfactant molecule is hydrophilic and the other end is hydrophobic.

Hydrophilic literally means “water (hydro) loving (philic).” This end of the surfactant molecule grabs hold of water. On the other side, hydrophobic means “water (hydro) fearing (phobic).” A little exaggerated perhaps, but this end grabs the oil.

But we’re not talking about just one. Surfactant molecules work in groups. In a solution, they float around looking for oil molecules and snag with those hydrophobic tails, totally surrounding each oil molecule so there’s no part of the oil molecule left exposed to water. This little nugget is called a micelle.

The outside of this micelle is now entirely hydrophilic, which means instant attraction to the passing rinse water which carries it all away.

It’s like they’re filling those oil molecules with a whole lotta love and reaching out and connecting them with their former enemy, those water molecules. And once they’re connected, they realize it’s not so bad. They can get along. They can hang out together. I think there’s a larger lesson here.

You still with me?

So they’re both surfactants. Now for some differences.

Soap is close to nature, made by a beautifully efficient one-step reaction of combining oil (coconut, palm, olive, jojoba, and hemp for our Castile) with a strong alkali such as sodium or potassium hydroxide (the first also known as lye). Out of this combo, you get soap, glycerin and water. Bam! No leftovers. No waste. Beautiful.

Detergents are more complex and must be synthesized. They were developed during the World Wars when the oils needed for soap were scarce. They can start with botanical substances (such as coconut oil for our Sal Suds) or with petroleum derivatives. And the uses of detergents is vast and wide.

Tidy as it would be, I can’t sum it all up by saying, “Soap good. Detergent bad.” That would be a gross oversimplification. There are bad soaps (not ours, of course) that are poorly made with bits of unreacted alkali floating around in them ready to saponify your very body. You become a walking bar of soap. Ouch!

And there are excellent detergents, such as our Sal Suds, which is super duper tough on grease and completely clean rinsing, yet mild, readily biodegradable.

So that’s a little bit more about the magic of cleaning and the beauty of chemistry.

Further reading

Sal Suds cleaner shows >60% biodegradation after 28 days per ISO 14593.

This use and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.  

Download Now!

Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


Download Now!

Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?


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Jessie says:

Hi Lisa,

I didn’t think sodium lauryel sulfate was a clean good ingredient. Can you let me know if I’m wrong here ? I’m looking for a all purpose house cleaner as I use your castile soap for everything else as well as hair creme and rinse.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jessie- Thanks for being a customer! Excellent question about Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Sal Suds, our household cleaner, is formulated with SLS because of its keen ability to cut through grease and grime and to generate suds. Studies have consistently shown that SLS is safe to use in low concentrations and in products that are meant to be rinsed off – both of which are true of Sal Suds. The main concern with SLS is that it can be a skin irritant for some people because it can be so drying. It is so good at picking up oils that it pulls them right out of our skin! You won’t find SLS in any of our personal care products (Castile Soap, All-One Toothpaste, and so on) and personal care products that do include it should be avoided. For a deeper dive into SLS, check out my blog post on the topic:

Peter says:

Thanks for the article! My wife typically uses Sal Suds in our laundry, but sometimes switches up with the Rose scented castile soap because she loves the scent. (At least I think that’s what she told me.) All I know is that my clothes are clean.

Also, as a first generation Greek American, thank you for providing a Greek lesson to everyone! You did very well.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Peter – Thank you! When I read the beginning of your sentence “As a first generation Greek American…” I wondered if I had gotten everything correct! So glad I did. I happened to marry someone who minored in Biblical Greek, and while it’s not terribly useful for modern communication, it has helped me with a basic understanding of the beautiful language!

Rachel says:

Castile soap does not work in my hair. It leaves it in tangles and full of residue. I use an acv rinse as my conditioner. Can I use sal suds on my hair instead?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rachel- I’m sorry for my slow response, which might arrive too late. We don’t recommend Sal Suds for personal care simply because it can be drying to skin, although there are body care products on the market with similar ingredients. It does take some time and patience to adjust to washing hair with a true soap instead of a conventional shampoo. If you’d like to give soap another try, I recommend using the Organic Sugar Soap which is more nourishing than the Castile Soap, and using a hair masque as your hair transitions to your new regimen. Check out my article on how I made the switch in this article,

ed says:

I find Dr Bronner’s so greasy and leaves a greasy rim on everything which I have to clean again after, any suggestions?.. Many Thanks

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Ed- The film on the dishes is from the Castile Soaps reaction with hard water. There are a couple of options for you. One is to switch to our Sal Suds Cleaner, which is a mild detergent and detergents don’t react with minerals. To stay with the Castile Soap, this seems to happen less if instead of using a sink of soapy water, just use a dishbrush with soap on it. Another trick is to use a vinegar rinse. After you’ve rinsed the soap off, dip the dishes in water with a cup of vinegar. Lastly, hand drying dishes will also help eliminate the mineral deposit.

Suzie says:

I have been using your sal suds and Castile for years! If I use a bit of sal suds AND Castile in my laundry (because I like the scent) do they cancel each other out? Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Suzie- Chemically speaking, there’s no issue with mixing the two, but it is unnecessary. Sal Suds and Castile Soap are equally effective cleaners on their own. If it’s the scent of the Castile you like, then use that one alone. If you have hard water, use vinegar in the fabric softener compartment to keep fabrics soft and absorbent.

Kamy says:

Curious question, I saw a post on Dr Bronner’s Instagram of someone cleaning sneakers with castile soap. Was wonder, would Castile soap or Sal Suds be more effective in cleaning sneakers?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kamy- Both would work great. Use whatever you have on hand!

Sage says:

I use castile soap for nearly all of my household cleaning, but I’ve been considering trying out Sal’s Suds. I only use natural cleaning products in my home even for carpet cleaning and laundry. After reading your post, I think I will give Sal’s Suds a try.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sage- I use the Castile Soap for sooo much, but Sal Suds is my primary product for household cleaning chores. It’s especially great in hard water conditions. Head over to our webstore ( and take advantage of our current sale – 15% off 16oz and 32oz Sal Suds going until 1/15/24.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Donna- Yes, Sal Suds is safe for granite. I recommend the All-Purpose Spray made with 1 Tbsp Sal Suds in a spray bottle with a quart of water. Spray counters and wipe with a damp cloth. There’s no need for further rinsing at this dilution. Use the All-Purpose Spray to also clean stainless steel appliances, sinks & faucet fixtures, doorknobs, and painted wood. It’s safe on just about any surface that can get wet.

Lindsey says:

I love your products and am starting to look more into using them for other things around the house so I can get away from the “bad soaps”. For Sals Suds you mention putting it in the laundry in a top load washer. Can you use it in a front load washer? What about the castile soap? You also mention adding baking soda to the wash cycle but am I able to do that with a front load? Like can I just put it in with my clothes while I’m loading or would that be bad to touch the clothes directly like that?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lindsey – Welcome! I hope I can help you along your green journey. Yes, the Sal Suds and Castile work great in front loaders, too. You only need 1 – 1 1/2 Tbsp. Sal Suds OR 3-4 Tbsp. Castile per large load. You can still add the baking soda – just sprinkle it on the load in the drum before you shut the door. If you have hard water and are using the Castile, put 1/2 c. of vinegar in the fabric softener compartment. Check out more laundry tips and a video here:

NAOMI says:

Hello, I would like to know if Sal Suds or 18-in-1 when used for laundry, will fade dark colors. We wear alot of cotton clothing and I’m trying to switch from LeBlanc which does not fade darks at all.

Thanks thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi there – No, neither the Sal Suds nor the Castile 18-in-1 will fade dark colors. Like you, I wear mostly cotton and only ever use the Sal Suds on my clothes. I find that they last and look great for many, many years.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Laura – Yes, Sal Suds is safe for quartz countertops. The All-Purpose Spray with 1 Tbsp. Sal Suds in 1 qt. water is a great solution for this. With porous stone like quartz, you don’t want to leave standing water, so be sure to dry them well after washing.

Maya says:

Hi Lisa,
Which is better for hardwood floors? My daughter is in a shared college rental and is looking for something that rinses easily with no suds left behind. Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Maya- Either will work well, but Sal Suds is slightly more clean rinsing that Castile Soap. How much to make will depend on how much flooring is needing cleaning. In 1 gallon of water use 1 tsp. Sal Suds. Submerge the mop head, wring out, then mop. This can also be scaled down to a squirt bottle or spray mop by using 1 quart water and 1/8 tsp. Sal Suds. In either case, there is no rinsing needed at this dilution. With hardwood flooring, take care to mop up puddles and damp areas as water can damage wood floors. Here’s my article on mopping for more details,

Barbora says:

Hi Lisa, I have a question regarding the availability of Sal Suds in Europe. I can get just about any of Dr. Bronner’s other products (the entire range of Castile soaps, sugar soaps, lip balms, lotions, toothpaste etc.) in my local shop or online here in the Czech Republic, but it seems virtually impossible to get Sal Suds in any shape or form. Why is that? I have recently managed to get my hands on a few bottles (no chance for a gallon, sadly) through an Irish online shop selling green products (the only one based in Europe I was able to find that stocked Sal Suds), and I swear I even shed a few tears of joy when I saw how awesome it was at anything I’d used it for (plus the wonderful smell)! We happen to have super hard water here, which does detract from the pleasure of using your Castile soaps on some occasions. Please, let us have it!

Lisa Bronner says:

HI Barbora – I absolutely feel your lament. I am terribly sorry that Sal Suds is not currently available in Europe. At the moment, we do not have a timeline for when we will be reintroducing Sal Suds to this market. I know this is an inconvenience. It sounds like you are already familiar with my Castile soap cheat sheet: I have heard that you can buffer hard water with washing soda (sodium carbonate), and I’ve been wondering what would happen if I added a bit to my solutions with the soap, but I haven’t tried it yet. If you want to see if it helps, let me know what you find.

Valerie says:

Perfect explanation and answered questions I had, thank you, again, Lisa! I’m glad I read this as I have been using the Castile Soap for laundry instead of the Sal Suds becuase I liked the smell so I’m going to swap to Sal Suds and use my essential oils.

Su says:

When it comes to adding essential oil to Sal Sud, will any kind of essential oil do?
I’m quite new to essential oil.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Su- The Sal Suds scent is so mild that many scents can pair with it. I think Lavender works with the piney-ness. You could even go with a more overt floral like ylang ylang. And you know I like sweet orange. Lemon and rosemary pair well too. How much to add depends on what scent you’re adding and the desired strength. Depending on how much Sal Suds you’re working with, start with a few drops and add more as you like. When shopping for essential oils, look for USDA organic certification to verify integrity and purity.

Jennifer says:

can sals suds be used in the dishwasher? I see you have a mix for hand washing dishes.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jennifer- Both Castile Soap and Sal Suds work great for handwashing dishes, but unfortunately, we do not recommend either in the dishwasher. They bubble up too much and can leak through the seams. Take a look at the Environmental Working Group ( website, which ranks products by ingredients, environmental impact and such. It’s a very helpful resource for finding products.

Jim says:

Unfortunately, Sal Suds will not remove film left on shower floor from using your liquid soap.

Pat Stewart says:

Hello, I wanted to know which is best for rosacea on the face. I read it on your website but I don’t remember if it’s the tea tree one or something else.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Pat – While we can’t recommend any of our products as medicinal, it is the Tea Tree Castile that has been a part of many people’s journey to healthier, more resilient and balanced skin.

joan says:

i’m curious about adding essential oils to homemade sal suds detergent. i know that different essences react differently with the ingredients. i discovered this while making scented goats milk soap. some blend well and others won’t and some sort of curdle everything.
which essential oils are most recommended and which do you advise against?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Joan – I’m sorry for my delayed response. You are right to check for potential interactions before mixing ingredients. Both the Sal Suds and the Castile soap are fine to mix with essential oils. There are different components from you encountered in the goat’s milk soap. You might find this article helpful: What Can You Mix with Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds?

Sisa says:

Hello Lisa,
I live in the Netherlands and I can’t get Sal suds, I have tried to order it in the UK and States but they won’t deliver to the Netherlands! What can I use to replace the Sal suds? I hope you can help me.
Have a lovely evening.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sisa – I am sorry Sal Suds isn’t currently availabe in Europe, or Britain, though we have plans to bring it back in the coming years. You’ll noted in the article above that both products are nearly interchangeable. I would use the Castile soap in place of the Sal Suds.

Carly says:

Hi! Are the Castile and Sal Suds cheat sheets available in spanish??

Jen says:


Does Sals Suds actually sanitize/disinfected surfaces? Example: raw chicken on a cutting board, toilets’, etc.

Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jen – No, a disinfectent or a sanitizer is a product that contains a pesticide that kills. Sal Suds does not contain such a pesticide. Instead, soaps or detergents, including Sal Suds, clean by removing. They latch on to germs, dirt, oils, and other debris and remove them from all manner of surfaces.

I do not regularly disinfect my surfaces. This is per the CDC’s recommendation as unnecessary disinfecting can reduce the efficacy of disinfectants and unnecessarily expose us to more intense chemicals. However, when disinfecting is called for, either alcohol between 60%-90% spray surface and let air dry – or hydrogen Peroxide, if bought at the standard pharmacy concentration of 3%, diluted with water at a ratio of 1:5 – let sit for 1 minute. Alcohol smells worse but hydrogen peroxide can bleach some surfaces, so spot test before deciding which to use first. Disinfecting should be reserved for times when there is sickness present, or of course in medical facilities. For my deep dive into how soap works and why it’s all you need, read my article,

kylie says:

Hi Lisa!
I have real hardwood floors and wondering which product you think is better for cleaning them. SalSuds or Castile? In all honesty, I am nervous about using any kind of liquid to clean them. Thanks

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kylie – I’m sorry to have missed your question a while back. Both the Sal Suds and the Castile work great on hardwood. The issue with wood is not to leave standing water, so after you mop, if there’s any water beyond dampness, you might want to go over it with a dry mop or towel on a broomstick. A Cuban mop works great for this:

Dani says:

Hi Lisa
I’m cleaning a brick fireplace for painting. The paint company recommends Sugar Soap. Do you have an equivalent? I’m thinking your sugar soap isn’t the same but thought another product might be.
Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dani – I’m going to guess that you are in Britain? We learned that Sugar Soap in Britain was coined a while back for Trisodium Phosphate, a cleaning solution often recommended ahead of wall treatments such as painting or wall paper. (In the U.S., we call that TSP.) As you guessed, our Sugar Soap is not this. Unfortunately, our best product for your brick prep is not available in Britain at the moment. It is our Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner. (There were some labeling requirements that changed with Brexit which we’re still navigating through.) All that to say, I don’t think I have anything to recommend to you for this purpose that you have access to. If I”m wrong in my guess and you are in the U.S., our Sal Suds would be perfect.

Nneka says:

Hi Lisa! I was wondering if the Castille soap and Sal Suds can be used together in laundry? I love the smell my peppermint soap leaves on my clothes, but I also love how the Sal Suds is a better cleaning agent! I would love to use both together, what do you recommend?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Nneka – There is no problematic reaction with using the Castile and Sal Suds together, but cleaning wise, it isn’t going to improve any. If you’re just after the scent, you could get some essential oils and add them to the Sal Suds. Note that our peppermint scent is a blend of Mentha Arvensis and Mentha Piperita. But if you want to keep mixing them, that’s fine, too!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi H- There’s no need to rinse at this dilution. Simply spray and wipe with a damp cloth.

Debbie says:

My son received a red corduroy shirt that he had ordered that, unfortunately, had perfume spilled on it some time during shipping. By the time the shirt was delivered the perfume had soaked in and dried. We soaked the shirt in warm water and a cup of baking soda, washed it normally then during the rinse cycle added a cup of vinegar, stopped the machine and let it soak for another hour before finishing the cycle. The perfume smell has eased quite a bit but not enough. Would soaking the shirt in Castile Soap or Sal’s Suds get rid of the smell?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Debbie – I’m sorry for my delayed response here. Yes, I think either Sal Suds or Castile would get rid of the perfume on the shirt. I would use the Sal Suds if you have it as it is has a slight cleaning edge.

Angela says:

Upon looking at your cheat sheet for Sal Suds you mentioned 1/2-1 1/2 teaspoons in a large sink of water. But in my busy life I put as much as possible in the dishwasher to save time. Can you use Sal Suds in the dishwasher instead of store Brand dishwasher soap. If so, what ratio should I use?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Angela – Unfortunately, no, Sal Suds is not recommended for the dishwasher. Dishwasher detergents are designed to be no-suds, and as the name implies Sal Suds is too sudsy.

Christina says:

Hi Lisa,

I’m trying to reduce down to one product for all household uses (dishes, hand soap, laundry, counter sprays, etc.) I was using Sal Suds, which I adore, but I know I can’t use it for hands. Then I tried the Castile soap, but it doesn’t seem to work as well on our dishes. Any recommendations for which product would be best for all of these uses? Thanks for your advice and your fantastic products!!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Christina – While I use Sal Suds for all the housecleaning uses – dishes, floors, laundry, all-purpose sprays – I don’t use for hand soap and other body uses, as you mentioned. This is because it can be drying. The Castile, however, does work well for all of these uses, both house and body. When I do use Castile for dishes, I find that it works best not to use it in a whole sink of water, but rather to get all the dishes wet, but not soaking, and then apply the soap directly to the wet dish brush or cloth. Wash the dishes and set in a sudsy pile, and then rinse all at once. This saves water, too. Let me know your thoughts!

David says:

So, what’s your opinion on using Sal Suds for shampoo?
Okay to use?
I’ve been using it for a while and my scalp and hair have never been healthier.
Any concerns?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi David- Sal Suds is our all-purpose household cleaner and because it can be so drying to skin, we don’t recommend it for body care, but it is not toxic.

sue says:

Please let me know. I just bought a 16 oz bottle of the baby unscented because I read it is good for shampoo. I purchased it at Bed Bath Beyond. When I poured it in my hand, it was pure liquid, not concentrated. I had to use alot . I would literally run out of my hand. Is that the way it is supposed to be?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sue- Our Castile Soap is 2-3 times more concentrated than most soaps, but it is still a thinner liquid than conventional shampoos, which may contain ingredients for a thicker consistency. For my long, thick hair, I use a good ½ Tbsp. of Castile Soap. When using a true soap like our Castile, the key is to follow up with an acidic rinse. Conventional shampoos are acidic, but our soap has an alkaline pH which makes our hair kind of tacky/sticky feeling. The acidic rinse smooths everything down. There are two options for an acidic rinse. For my long, thicker hair, I use about 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (ACV) diluted with another 1/2 cup of water. Or, I dilute a capful of Dr. Bronner’s Organic Citrus Hair Rinse (the orange bottle in the photo above) in 1 cup of water and then pour it over my head and work it through and rinse thoroughly.

Joseph says:


Is Sal Suds OK for front loading washers?

Is Sal Suds as good as or better than Charlie’s Laundry soap powder?

Does Sal Suds leave soap residue on clothes?

Charlie’s seems to remove soap residue that other laundry soaps leave behind.
I’ve used your castile soaps many times, but not Sal Suds.

Thank you.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Joseph- I haven’t used Charlie’s laundry detergents, but if you’ve been happy with the Castile Soap for laundry, you’ll like the Sal Suds more. It is exceedingly clean rinsing and doesn’t leave any residues on fabrics. It also doesn’t react with the minerals in hard water, as happens with the Castile Soap. It’s great in all types of washers, including high efficiency (HE) machines. Use 1.5-2 Tbsp. for a regular load. Here’s a link to my article on laundry too,

Mary says:

Hi Lisa,
I’m 70 with long, dry, frizzy hair. I also have a lot of skin sensitivities and have been using your Baby Mild liquid soap on my face, which has been working very well.

I would like to use it on my hair as well with your Citric Acid Rinse.

Would it be possible to just use a couple of drops in my hand, rubbed together to create suds to wash my hair without drying it out? I would rather not dilute it first to avoid having anything extra cluttering up my shower.

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Mary- It’s great to hear the Unscented Castile is working for you. We replace the essential oils with additional olive oil, which makes it the most gentle and moisturizing of our Castile Soaps. Your method should work just fine. There’s no need to pre-dilute the soap for hair, although do dilute your acidic rinse. For my long, thick hair I use either 1 capful of the Organic Citrus Hair rinse in one cup of water or about 1/2 cup ACV diluted with another 1/2 cup of water. If your hair needs added moisture, give the Organic Hair Cream a try. My hair is wavy and not curly, and it really brings out my natural waves while taming frizzies. It’s like a lotion for hair. I just scrunch in a pump or so when my hair is damp and let it air dry. You may find my blog post about my transition from shampoo to soap helpful.

Anthony says:

you said in the article “Pest Control – Only Castile soap has this ability to eliminate insects.”

the sal suds would actually do a better job on killing insects. What made you write that only castile can do the job?

anthony says:

meant to say “just as good of a job” Because SLS also kills the exoskeleton and can cut through in a different way . Soap may work slighly faster but BOTH products would do the job… So to clarify why did you said ONLY the castile can work?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Anthony- I have found the Castile Soap to be the effective option against insects, though the research as to why this is the case is rather inconclusive. It sounds like you may be familiar with insight into SLS against insects. Can you share that with me? I have also found that the Tea Tree Castile in particular is most effective at erasing the scent trails, making it more difficult for other pests to follow behind.

Sheri Cost says:

Have used this product for 9 years. This last order I got did not smell like the pine it should. Called and they did a product quality and told me that the smell of the product was fine. BS did not. Told me they would send replacement. But the person got crappy with me. Will be finding another product to use. They have shipping in the middle of the country. So you don’t know how hot it got or how long it sat in sun. Will never pay Castile or sal soap from them again

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sheri – Thank you for being a long time customer. I am sorry to hear of your experience with your recent order of Sal Suds. If you would like to look into this further, please email me at I am not certain what is the concern with our shipping to the middle of the country. Our headquarters has been in southern California since my grandfather’s founding of the company, but we have shipped throughout the country for decades.

Nat says:

Hi! If I’m trying to wash microfiber towels after using them to clean the car, which should I use to maintain the fluffiness and keep the microfiber intact and not damage the absobrancy and function of the towels? I have both sal suds and castile soap from Bronners. Thanks a million!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Nat- The Sal Suds is slightly more clean rinsing that Castile Soap, especially in hard water conditions. That’s my go-to for cleaning rags and such. Try adding 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash for extra scrubbing and/or 1 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle for softening. Halve these amounts in HE machines.

Nik says:

Hi can you please Inform me as to why all Uk stockist even Amazon are sold out of Sal suds? I can’t even purchase and import it!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Nik- Unfortunately, due to regulatory requirements we are not actively selling Sal Suds in the UK. At the moment we do not have a timeline for when we will be reintroducing Sal Suds to the market. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. In the meantime, our Castile Liquid Soap can be used for household cleaning purposes. Check out my dilutions Cheat Sheet for dilutions and recipes:

Isabelle says:

Hi Lisa! I made a dishwashing detergent with Sal Suds but it is too liquid for my liking, so I thickened it with guar gum. However, that made the cleaning solution lose all its sudsing power. Did it lose its cleaning power as well, or just the suds? And how can I turn the cleaning solution into a gel without losing the suds? I’m not a good chemist, apparently 🙂

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Isabelle- I’m not familiar with the impact of mixing Sal Suds and guar gum. Sorry not to be of more help.

Anna says:

Can you advise what dilution & which type of Dr.Bronner’s should I use to clean gardening pots especially those that have been infested/housed with garden pests/bugs.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Anna- I’d use Sal Suds because it doesn’t react with the minerals in hard water the same way Castile Soap does. Hose off the pots first to remove loose debris and soil. Add a small squirt of Sal Suds to a large bucket of water, and in the case of hearty terracotta pot, a brush to clean. For anything painted or decorative, a soft brush or a cloth is a gentler option.

Richard says:

Hi Lisa, I always learn so much from your articles. There is now some research recommending adding a little baby shampoo to sinus rinse as a surfactant (google Baylor medicine sinus rinse baby shampoo). Any thoughts on Castile Soap vs Sal Suds in this instance? Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Richard- It’s great to hear my blog is a helpful resource to you! I would request that you run this idea by a medical professional. We ourselves do not advise using the soap internally. Our nasal passages are very sensitive to any foreign matter, and soap or detergent can irritate sensitive tissues, especially if it is not fully rinsed out.

Holly says:

Hi Lisa I live in the U.K. and am a bit distressed to discover that Sal Suds has been discontinued here! What is going on?! I need it back in my life!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Holly- I’m sorry to report that Sal Suds is undergoing a label update due to Brexit requirement changes and is unfortunately unavailable in the UK for the next several months. However, we hope to bring Sal Suds back to the UK in the later part of 2022. In the meantime, our Castile Liquid Soap can be used for household cleaning purposes. Check out my dilutions Cheat Sheet for dilutions and recipes:

Erin Pelosi says:

I am going to start using the baby castille as a body wash, can essential oils be added for scent? I always use the soaking tub. Will the soap leave the whitish film?

Would I use the sal suds to clean or the castille with baking soda?

And I usually wash the soaking tub right away with baking soda and baby wash. Then spray it with an alcohol or vinegar homemade cleaner.

I just started making my own cleaners, what ingredient can be added to have it be a disinfectant?

Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Erin- Yes, adding essential oils to the Castile Soap is a fun way to customize your scent with the season, your mood, and so on! If you have hard water, it’s likely a white film will build up in your tub over time. Soap scum is simply a reaction that occurs between a true soap, like Castile, and minerals naturally occurring in hard water. It’s unsightly, but not harmful, and easily cleaned with diluted vinegar or scouring with baking soda. Check out my post all about soap scum here:

Soaps clean by grabbing onto dirt, germs and grime, and rinsing them off. Here’s my deep dive into how soap works Disinfecting should be reserved for times when there is sickness present, or of course in medical facilities. It’s the idea to use the least intensive strategy necessary for the situation and to reserve the more intense measures for circumstances that merit them. This preserves the effectiveness of the intense measures and avoids their potential negative side effects.

Erin Pelosi says:

Absolutely loved the article!
Was just trying to figure out which soap to get- and I was just thinking about the oil and water dilemma especially with essential oils. Lisa, you gave me alot of knowledge! Thx,

Sunny says:

hello, I am new to Dr. Bronners products.
I have a recipe for homemade cream cleanser using Pure Castile Soaps.
I am wondering if I can use Sal Suds instead.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sunny- Welcome to the Dr. Bronner’s family! If you’re cleanser is for household cleaning, most likely yes. Sal Suds is quite a bit more concentrated than Castile Soap though, so use less. If the cleanser is for skin care, stick with the Castile Soap. While Sal Suds is not harmful on skin, it’s intended to be used as a household cleaner.

Carole says:

Dr. Bronners products are the best! I remember Aunt Gladys used to send us soap for Christmas with a card that said “ your health is your greatest wealth” Its hard to find here in MN, so I’m glad to see it’s available through Grove, so everyone can fall in love with Pure Castile Soaps , even if not carried locally

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Carole- Thank you, Aunt Gladys! I love hearing stories like yours. Thank you for sharing!

Ann says:

Hi, would the sals suds cleaner be safe to use on wooden flooring with pets? My dog sleeps on the floors a lot and tends to lick them as well.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Ann- My 2 dogs and 2 cats can attest to the fact that Sal Suds is gentle and exceedingly clean-rinsing when it comes to cleaning around pets. And, customers who own birds and reptiles tell us Sal Suds is a safe and effective cleaner for cages and enclosures. The concern around pets is essential oils. Our products have a small amount of essential oils, just 2%, which are then highly diluted with water in the All-Purpose Spray and mopping solutions.

Bonnie says:

Should dr. Bronners Castile liquid soap be diluted for showering?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Bonnie- The water in the shower does the diluting for you. Use a small squirt in a wet cloth or hands. Use 2-3 drops for face-washing. You’ll find a little goes a long way!

Christine says:

Is it ok to use unscented sugar soap for hand washing dishes? I have recently developed severe skin sensitivities as a side effect form a medication. Between Castile, Sugar Soap and Sal Suds, Sugar Soap leaves my skin feeling the best, I love it!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Christine- It’s great to hear the Sugar Soap works well for your skin! While I’ve not tried it on dishes, the Sugar Soap cleans in the same way Castile Soap does, so if its working for you – keep on doing what you’re doing! One note here, the Castile Soap is highly concentrated and requires diluting, while the Sugar Soap is diluted with organic grape juice, so there’s no need to further dilute.

mari says:

Should I use Castile or Sal Suds for cleaning the interior of my refrigerator…shelves, racks, walls?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Mari- Both would work beautifully. I typically turn to Sal Suds for this task though. Castile Soap interacts with the minerals in hard water, which I have, and can leave spots on shiny surfaces and glass.

Heather says:

Would love it if Sal Suds came unscented! We have allergies to pine, but love your unscented line!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Heather- We always appreciate consumer suggestions! I’ll pass your excellent idea along.

michelle says:

I’m allergic as well. I’d love to see something made without pine or spruce. Or if you can point us in a direction for alternatives. Also, an unscented castile soap without fragranc or hemp. I just found out I’m allergic to hemp as well so I have to abandon Dr. Bronner’s altogether! 🙁

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Michelle- I’ll add your vote for new Sal Suds scent! The Environmental Working Group ( or your local natural grocer would both be great resources for finding a soap made without hemp seed oil.

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?