Tattoo Care for New and Existing Tattoos

From protecting and healing fresh tattoos to maintaining vibrancy through the years, learn the key routines and how Dr. Bronner’s can aid your tattoo care.

Gift Idea: 7 Dr. Bronner’s Essentials for Baby

I recently created a gift basket for friends who were anticipating their first baby, so I got to ask myself which Dr. Bronner’s products babies most need. Here’s what I included.

Magic Balms Usage Cheat Sheet

There is no Dr. Bronner’s product that I underestimated more than the two Organic Magic Balms. The more I have these around, the more uses I find for them.

Updated Laws Improve Consumer Safety

Let’s celebrate the progress towards greater consumer safety policies! May these victories spur us on in our pursuit of still needed protections.

Hair Masques with Dr. Bronner’s

I have gone most of my life without knowing about this easy treatment that brings deep moisture to hair. Hair masques have been a game changer for me and my hair.

Moving-Out Kits for Dorms, Apartments & Homes

Whether it’s off to college, like my son, or a first apartment or house, here’s my list of essentials for personal care and stuff care. Spoiler: You need less than you think!

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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