
The Magic of the Arnica-Menthol Balm

Arnica-Menthol Balm

The origin story.  

A nondescript aluminum tub appeared on my desk, labeled in black marker, “#2.” No explanation. No instruction. I opened it and nearly rocketed out of my seat from the powerhouse blend of camphor and menthol and mint and something else I couldn’t quite place. What was this stuff?! 

I had just met the Dr. Bronner’s Arnica-Menthol Organic Magic Balm.  

Since no one told me what this was or what this was for, I drew my own conclusions. It smelled like a decongesting vapor rub. It was already having that impact on me, so I started using it as such. 

(Word to the wise here: In general, it’s not a good idea to start applying to your body random unlabeled substances that appear on your desk. Optimist that I am, I did assume that someone I knew and trusted compounded this and set it there. Fortunately, I was right.)  

Some time later, I happened to mention to others this awesome vapor balm that appeared on my desk. It was then I learned that it was a post-surfing muscle rub that my brother David* had thrown together for personal use. He realized he was on to something pretty great and introduced it for consideration as a new product. 

Let me break down the ingredients, each of which bring their own special organic magic. 

The base of the Arnica-Menthol Organic Magic Balm is our Unscented Organic Magic Balm. The blend of avocado, coconut, olive, jojoba, hemp seed oils, and beeswax (all organic) provide super deep moisturizing and nourishment. There’s nothing synthetic. Nothing petrochemical. Nothing artificial. 

The further magic comes with the additional ingredients: two types of peppermint oil, camphor oil, menthol crystals, and arnica oil. All of these powerhouse ingredients, like much of nature, are beneficial in small doses but not so in large quantities. However, the amounts in this balm are far lower than any hazard threshold while still concentrated enough to bring their special type of help. 

As with many traditional remedies, there is insufficient research to engender medical endorsements so we must rely on more homespun wisdom. 

  • Why arnica – Arnica is an alpine plant whose daisy-like flowers are, for our purposes, infused into organic extra virgin olive oil. Arnica has been used for centuries as a topical treatment to increase blood flow to the applied area which can aid healing of bruises and relieving of muscle pain. 
  • Why menthol crystals – Menthol crystals are distilled from the oils in the mentha arvensis plant, a type of peppermint, which can have a menthol concentration of 50-70%. Menthol does a funny thing which might just sound like so much mental trickery. It triggers your cold receptors, so you experience a cooling sensation without an actual drop in temperature. It can bring relief to overheated, or even burned skin, headaches, or insect bites. Research has demonstrated that topically applied menthol can bring greater relief to carpal tunnel and muscle pain than some oral pain killers. Menthol, along with Camphor, has also long been used as a decongestant. 
  • Why camphor – Camphor essential oil is extracted from the bark of the Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum Camphora) by steam distillation. Camphor, like menthol, triggers that cold sensation. Camphor and menthol together are known as counter-irritants, a characteristic that makes them useful as analgesics, or pain reducers. Again, in some sense they trick, or distract, the nervous system with that icy/hot sensation, making the nervous system forget about whatever else in the area might have been triggering pain receptors.  
  • Why peppermint oil – There are two types of peppermint oil in this balm – mentha pepperita and mentha arvensis – produced by steam distillation of two different varieties of mint leaves. Peppermint oil has been used in so many home remedies that I can’t possibly summarize them all here. For topical applications, peppermint oil can bring cooling, congesting clearing, wakefulness and mental stimulation. 

Every time I discuss this product with someone, I hear of a different way they’re using it. Here are four popular applications, but I hope to hear more from you. 

  • Decongestant – My first use. Rub it on the chest – under a shirt so the balm doesn’t get on the sheets – before bed and breathe clearly all night long. The scent fades by morning, so there’s no weird leftover smells. My neighbor swears that putting a thick layer of this on her feet and wearing socks opens up all her breathing passages. 
  • Muscle Rub – My brother’s original intended use. The tingly cold/warm sensation penetrates to loosen or soothe clenched muscles.   
  • Massage Balm – Instead of a massage oil, use the Arnica-Menthol balm in your massage. You get the double action of the camphor/menthol/mint plus the massage to loosen and relax tension.  
  • Achy Feet Relief – Massage it on at the end of a long day. Not only will the balm soften tough skin, but also the magic blend will invigorate tired feet. Just say, “Aaah!” 

Other areas of help I’ve heard are headache relief when applied to the temples (avoid the eyes) and itch relief on insect bites. There’s even discussion around these ingredients alleviating pain related to osteoarthritis and accelerating healing for bruising. Dr. Bronner’s own Stacey Oparnica summarized several staff testimonials in her 2016 piece for the All-One blog, “How to Use Dr. Bronner’s Arnica-Menthol Organic Magic Balm.” If you’d like to share your personal experience, please do in the comments below. 

Because of the potency of the camphor/menthol/mint/arnica blend, take care to avoid broken skin, as well as contact with the eyes or other mucous membranes. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying so that you don’t inadvertently touch it in your eyes. 

Naming the balms “Magic” is partially a throwback to a moniker for the Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soaps, and even the company itself for many decades, bestowed by a 1973 Esquire article. However, biased though my opinion may be, the efficacy and versatility these balms earns them the descriptor in their own right.

* My brother, David Bronner, Cosmic Engagement Officer (CEO) at Dr. Bronner’s. He’s older. 

Further reading

This use and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.  

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cynthia says:

I have sort of lived your life. My maternal grandfather was a very successful dairy farner in southern Florida and I loved him and my Grandma beyond words. I grew up churning butter by hand from the Jersey ladies, gathering egs from horrible hens and making newborn calves into my doll babies. In short, I had a life that surpassed perfection. I have used your soaps but just today happened on this page. I look forward to the book and the balms and the additional soaps.

I am much older than you (working on late 70’s) and in late stage of COPD and rely on oxygen to stay alive! However, I enjoy your products and congratulate you on your success!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Cynthia – I am just now coming across your lovely comment. I am so sorry for not responding sooner. Your formative years sound idyllic- so connected to the nourishing world around us. I am glad our products have been a help to you. I wish you peace and joy.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Chloe – There is a good bit of research and testimonials about arnica helping bruising. It is not something our Arnica-Menthol Balm has undergone testing for, though.

Monia says:

Hi dear,
i am pregnant and few day ago, maybe after sport, I start to suffering from loin pain.
Do you think that I can use this magic balm without risk for my baby?
Hoping to hear you soon I Thank you and bless you

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Monia- While our products have been through safety assessments for the general population, we do not have data on the population of pregnant women specifically. The tiny amount of the Arnica-Menthol Balm applied topically to skin is likely fine, but for extensive use, please consult with your doctor. If your doctor recommends against using it, the Unscented Magic Balm is a good alternative.

Karen says:

I love the Magic Balm, I used it when I had Covid back in January, I rubbed down my chest and back. Plus, all of my aching muscles and joints. It worked great. I’m still using it. Love it!

Sam says:

Hello! My family has been getting really into Dr Bronner’s products and recently got the Dr. Bronner’s Arnica-Menthol Magic Balm. Could this also be used as a replacement for our Carmex (for lips)?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sam- It’s great to hear you’re family is enjoying our products! We don’t recommend the Arnica-Menthol Balm on lips. Not only is the menthol in the balm pretty intense, but Arnica irritates mucous membranes, and well, given the lips proximity to your nose and eyes, could irritate them. Our Organic Lip Balms have very similar ingredients (minus the arnica and menthol!) and are made for lips!

Nik says:

I like to use the unscented balm on my hair. Would the arnica balm also be good for hair?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Nik- It’d be fine on hair, but the menthol in the Arnica-Menthol Balm would be problematic in that it would cause your nose to run and eyes to water. It’d work in a pinch though!

John V King says:

I would like to try some of your Balm –how can I get some? I’m a 1st time user of your Pure -Castile Soap. I got it because I couldn’t find hand sanitizer anywhere….(hard to find during this pandemic!! Well I guess I’ll hear from you. Thanks. John

Joke says:

Where can I get these product in London UK. Dolphin fitness website that sells do not stock these balms and even the liquid soaps are scarce.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Joke- Our Magic Balms are not yet available in the UK. But, our Liquid Castile Soaps and many other products are sold at Ocado, Conran shops, many health food stores and also online at

Charlotte Farris says:

I love Dr. Bronner’s products. Where can I purchase this balm. Thank you

Leigh Hutton says:

Hi Lisa, i found the great products in the COSTCO store located in the suburb of Northlakes north of Brisbane, Australia, the next time i went back they had deleted the product, any chance you can talk them back in to stocking it again please? I realise its a big ask.
Many thanks Leigh Hutton

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Leigh- I’ve found that retailers appreciate and value feedback from customers. I recommend sharing your request with the manager of that location! If you’re having trouble finding our soaps, reach out to our Australia team at or email

Tiny Nebbeling says:

I live in New Zealand. My granddaughter lives in America and gave me some of the arnica magic balm.
Its really good for my arthritis.
Can I buy this somewhere in New Zealand?
Thank you

Shirley says:

I am eager to try this balm. Is it sold in my area?
I am in Redwood City.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Shirley- Check out the store locator on our website: I see it’s in Target in your area. Many natural health stores carry a wide range of our products, but also mainline stores such as Walmart, Target and most drug stores.

Kàral Schweinsbergen says:

I’m interested in trying your Castile soaps, the
Magic menthal balm and other products as well.

Jenny Long says:


Is this safe for use on little ones? Thank you for your great posts, you help me to keep thinking of greener ways to do things.


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jenny- The ingredients are safe. But the camphor and menthol do have an intense sensation on skin. It would also sting if it were get in your little one’s eyes.

Danna Rakestraw says:

Great post Lisa! I’ll be adding this to our next order. (The kids tried the toothpaste and it was a hit! Thank you!!!)

Lisa Bronner says:

Excellent, Danna! Hope this one’s a hit at your house too!

Jen says:

I have a friend who is a double amputee and suffers from phantom pain. I noticed in the article you mention that the ingredients impact both muscle pain and fooling the nervous system to bring it relief, which made me think of her. Have you had feedback from anyone about the balm being helpful for this type of pain? She is a lovely 88 year old woman who continues to do all her own care with a cheerful attitude. How she “does life” is a true inspiration to others. We are always on the look-out for something to give her relief from the pain.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jen- How grateful she must be to have a friend in you! I have not heard of anyone using the Arnica-Menthol balm for that specific type of pain. However, if your friend gives it a try, I’d love to know if it helped and offered her some relief.

Grace says:

Thank you Lisa – another great information! Thank you for serving as the core communication center!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kim- Funny you should ask. The Arnica-Menthol balm (and our Peppermint Organic Hand Sanitizer) is being launched into your area this week! Look for it in natural stores or large retailers that sell Dr. Bronner’s soaps.

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Organic Magic Balms – To know them is to love them!